*일본 전통주거의 재현, 아파트리모델링 [ Takero Shimazaki Architects ] Barbican Apartment

Takero Shimazaki Architects.가 인테리어 디자인한 바비캔 아파트는 미니멀 거주공간으로 영국 런던에 위치합니다. 전통적인 일본식 거주공간의 재현을 위해 슬라이딩 목재 도어와 다다미 매트가 적용되었습니다. 비내력 테라조 기둥 또한 내부공간을 구분짓는 요소로 적용됩니다.

Barbican Apartment is a minimal apartment located in London, United Kingdom, designed by Takero Shimazaki Architects. The renovation is within the Shakespeare Tower of the Barbican complex within London. Due to the client’s experience of living in Japan, the interior references Japanese design, including the use of sliding timber screens and tatami mats. Other elements include a non-structural terrazzo column that sits at the center of the plan that would act as a bridge between the two contrasting languages of this interior architecture.

Photography by Anton Gorlenko

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Designed by JB FACTORY