*노출콘크리트 매스 뮤지엄 [ Nobuo Araki ] The Mass Museum

도쿄에 위치한 메스 뮤지엄은 미니멀리스트 갤러리로 '하라주쿠 경관 확장 프로젝트'의 4번째 단계 중, 첫번째 단계의 건축물 입니다. 도시와 조경축을 확장 및 연결하기 위한 작업입니다. 하나의 구조물 안에 자리 잡은 3개의 전시공간은 각기 다른 출입구와 공간으로 고유한 공간감을 발현합니다.

The Mass Museum is a minimalist gallery located in Tokyo, Japan, designed by Nobuo Araki. The Mass is the first phase of the ongoing “Harajuku Expanding Landscape Project” consisting of four phases and four sites. The site is located along Cat Street in a residential area in the back streets of Omotesando. The aim of the project is to architecturally plan an expanding landscape that fills the gaps of the city. Within one structure, we created a small museum with three separate exhibition spaces. Each of the three spaces has an entrance and its own unique approach. The versatility of using the spaces according to the size of the exhibition was also considered. The wayfinding of the structure embodies ‘city gaps.’ There are several ‘blank spaces’ located throughout the site in order to consciously assimilate with the neighboring streets and buildings. Throughout the process, we viewed the city as having an exterior with a considered back-end, and a considered back-end that reflects onto the aesthetic of the exterior.

Photography by Shimizu Ken

from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY