*노출콘크리트 그리드 패턴 입면 Alberto Moletto designs gridded facade for Santiago college building

엄격한 그리드에 맞추어진 구조와 외관 디자인은 콘크리트 물성을 통해 적나라한 모습으로 나타난다.

Chilean architect Alberto Moletto has created a concrete-framed educational facility at a Catholic university that is designed to go "unnoticed for those who walk through the campus".

The FEM Building is located within the San Joaquín campus for the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC) – a prestigious institution started in the late 19th century. The campus is situated within Macul, a commune in the Santiago metropolitan region.

Designed by local architect Alberto Moletto, the building houses the School of Secondary Education, where students are trained to be teachers. It sits adjacent to the Faculty of Education building, helping form a dedicated space for the university's education studies programme.

The architect set out to create a building that would sit quietly within the dense campus, where a range of architectural styles are on display. The main idea was to employ a "repetition of elements that can operate in the place silently and try to go unnoticed for those who walk through the campus", the architect stated in a project description.

For the 455-square-metre site, Moletto created a rectangular, four-storey building that sits among tall, deciduous trees. A basement level is partly visible on the south side of the building, which faces a sunken plaza.

The exterior features concrete columns and beams that form a rectilinear grid. Each opening in the grid is 2.4 metres wide – a unit of measurement that is carried inside the building to help determine room dimensions.

"This repetition both in plan and in elevation defines the project," the architect said, noting that the repetition helped reduce construction times.

Within the structure, the architect aimed to create spaces that were visually and spatially connected. Upon entering, visitors step into a central core with "discontinuous circulation" that provides a sense of the building's interior composition.



from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY