*노르웨이 공원 브릿지 carl-viggo hølmebakk step bridge spans 150 feet over vøringsfossen waterfall in norway

노르웨이 깊은 협곡 사이를 건너는 기념비적인 브릿지 프로젝트.

북유럽에서 가장 큰 국립공원: hardangervidda 내 자연환경을 유지하며 공존하는 인프라 구축작업 입니다.

today, architect carl-viggo hølmebakk with the norwegian public roads administration (NPRA) opens a monumental step bridge above the vøringsfossen waterfall in norway. introduced to hardangervidda — the largest national park in the nordic region — the new scenic route attraction serves to continue a long tradition of exploring the interface between architecture, technology, infrastructure, and nature. many factors have had an impact on the design of the bridge. while the structure must be safe and robust, the bridge must reflect the language of the pre-existing trail and the landscape. of course, emphasis has been placed on the view and the experience it will provide. hølmebakk continues: ‘the bridge creates a new way to see and perceive the landscape space.’

project title: vøringsfossen step bridge

architecture: carl-viggo hølmebakk AS arkitektkontor

location: vøringsfossen waterfall, hardangervidda national park, norway

contracting client: norwegian public roads administration

advisory engineer: k. apeland

rock protection: gjerden fjellsikring

contractor: consolvo AS

photography: courtesy of carl-viggo hølmebakk AS arkitektkontor

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY