*상파울로 레드 하우스 Superlimão converts single-family home for São Paulo couple's multiple uses


Superlimão converts single-family home for São Paulo couple's multiple uses
슈퍼리마오-싱글-패밀리 홈_상파울로 다목적 하우스
Brazilian architecture firm Superlimão has overhauled a large home in São Paulo, relocating the staircase to the facade and painting the front a deep shade of red.


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The Yoga House project was completed for an enterprising couple that wanted to convert a portion of their home into a yoga studio, a co-working space and a rental bedroom, all on the same property.

The original building was constructed in the 1990s and is located in Vila Madalena, a trendy area of São Paulo.

"[The] project had to accommodate a large room for classes, a reception area on the ground floor, a studio and co-working area on the top floor, and a room for rental in the old smaller house in the back," the team explained. On completion, the project encompasses an area of 310 square metres.

In order to create more room inside the house, the Superlimão team relocated the staircase to the front of the building, facing the street.

This allows separate access to visitors using the ground floor spaces and those going upstairs.

The steel structure was painted red, along with the rest of the exterior of the house.

By removing walls within the home as well as the staircase, Superlimão was able to bring much more light to the interiors.

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY