*워터프론트 레지던스 [ LOVE architecture and urbanism ] Footbridge on the water Residential Building

LOVE architecture and urbanism-Footbridge on the water Residential Building
러브 아키텍츠 앤 어반니즘-풋브릿지 온더 워터 레지덴셜 빌딩
Inspiration river - symbiosis with the Dahme. The Dahme waterscape is of exceptional quality and beauty. Here, natural space, recreational quality, and also industrial Charm is combined with the peace and serenity that rivers generally exude.

To stage this unique natural quality to the maximum is the central design idea of the residential building: A large-scale, eight-meter deep pier in front of the actual Building leads the individual apartments very close to the water - so that Apartment and water seem to merge. The jetty is a hybrid of private balconies or open spaces and at the same time a development element. Thus, the footbridge stands for view, leisure, recreation, Pleasure, enjoyment, but also for social interaction, community, and sense of togetherness. It "stands" for a kind of bathing lake effect.

You can say: This footbridge IS the building because it shapes the house visually and also in terms of content. He is both the face and the soul of the building. Three materials characterize the building: wood, aluminum, and concrete. Wood in itself is synonymous with themes such as water, jetty, raft, or canoeing. Aluminum is factual serious has a hygienic effect.



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