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Amangiri + Luxury Frontiers-Camp Sarika
샌프란시스코와 요하네스버그에 본사를 둔 국제적인 디자인 및 개발 회사인 럭셔리 프론티어스는 유타 남부에 위치한 아만기리의 캠프 사리카를 위한 특별한 럭셔리 숙박 시설을 구상하고 설계했습니다. 북미 최초의 전천후 연중 운영되는 이 캠프는 유타의 거대한 메사 산기슭에 자리 잡은 10개의 럭셔리 텐트로 구성되어 있습니다.
Luxury Frontiers, the San Francisco and Johannesburg based international design and development firm, has conceived and designed exclusive luxury accommodation for Camp Sarika by Amangiri in Southern Utah. This first-ever North American all-weather, year-round camp is home to 10 luxury tents nestled at the foot of Utah’s mighty mesas.
Luxury Frontiers’ design is a contextual tribute, captivating the senses while creating intimacy within the vast landscape. Given the Sanskrit name for “open space” and “sky,” Camp Sarika is surrounded by 600 acres of expansive wilderness. Not only does the camp offer carefully curated vistas of rocky outcrops and flat topped mesas, but it also grants guests access to five National Parks, numerous National Monuments, the Navajo Nation Reservation, and the amenities of the nearby Amangiri.
Luxury Frontiers’ concept is driven by contextual design. This is evident in the effortless unfolding of the architecture into the landscape. The tented pavilions bow toward monumental sandstone formations and welcome guests inside with the soft intimacy of a natural canvas tent. The design thrives on both an aesthetic and performance level. In keeping with its natural setting, Luxury Frontiers has designed the tents to withstand the potentially harsh environmental elements of the site, such as temperatures varying from 20° to 105° F.
Thoughtfully positioned for unobstructed views of eastern mesas or glorious western sunsets, the iconic tents allow for an unforgettable experience with nature. Evenly divided between one- and two bedrooms, the 10 units are each equipped with a living area, dining area, wet and dry bar, as well as private bathrooms with a bathtub, indoor and outdoor showers.
from archdaily