Lichtvision Design + Casper Mueller Kneer Architects-Garden Conservatory Seoul 글래스 하우스 가든 서울 현대백화점 목동점에는 미니멀리즘을 추구하는 ‘글래스 하우스 가든 룸’이 위치합니다. 정적인 오픈플랜 속에 자연적인 조경요소를 배치함으로써 쇼핑객과 방문객들에게 고요한 공간과 사색을 할 수 있는 시간을 선물합니다.The Hyundai Department Store Mokdong in Seoul features the world's most famous luxury brands. While one’s senses are challenged in the shopping sections below, the top floor offers a spac..
CEBRA-Al Hosn Masterplan and Landscape 세브라 In 2016 the Danish architecture and design practice CEBRA was commissioned by the Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi to reinstate the Qasr al Hosn Fort as Abu Dhabi’s cultural heart. The Qasr Al Hosn is the city’s oldest and most important building. Originally built in 1760 as a watchtower to protect the only freshwater well on Abu Dhabi Island..
F31-Nike HomeCourt Skate Landscape 에프31-나이키 홈코트 스케이트 랜드스케이프 Many traditional sports typically operate within a set of rules on a regulated ‘court’. Skateboarding is different, it can be done anywhere with a hard surface, skateboarders often interpret the urban environment in creative and unique ways which are personal, stylistic, and technical. 나이키 스케이트 랜드스케이프는 스케이트보더들에게 보다 자극적이면서 창의적인 바탕을 만들어 주..
Oficina de Vinculación UNAM + Valia Wright + Eduardo Peón + Elías Group-La Duna Skatepark and Communal Centre 라 두나 스케이트파크 & 커뮤니티 센터 In 2019 the Mexican Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development through the Urban Improvement Program chose Ciudad Juarez as one of the sixteen cities with marginalized neighborhoods to build public spaces to improve the quality of life of their inhabita..
snøhetta to revive norway's historic knubben bath to recall a natural island landform 자연과 인공적인 건축의 경계를 모호하게 만드는 작업입니다. 노르웨이, 아렌달에 위치한 바닷가 항구에 공공시설물로 제안됩니다. 2024년 완공될 예정인 공공시설물은 1937년도에 지어진 항구 목욕탕의 현대적 재해석으로 10미터 높이의 다이빙 플랫폼, 어린이 수영장, 탈의실 및 키오스크로 구성됩니다. 무엇보다 인공 구릉지, 자연을 닮아 있는 조형미는 이 지역의 문화 거점으로 제공됩니다. as a gift to the people of arendal, norway, snøhetta proposes to revive the 1937-built harbor ba..
몬트리올 뮤제 거리에 위치한 대형 거리 벽화는 몬트리올 미술관을 위해 캐나다 디자인 회사, NÓS가 디자인 하였다.'움직이는 모래'라는 제목의 대형 거리 벽화는 곡선과 컬러로 디자인하여 거리바닥이 꿈틀거리는 것처럼 표현하였다.Canadian design firm NÓS has created a large mural for the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts that lines the Avenue Du Musee in Montreal.Titled ‘Moving Dunes’, the mural manipulates the street surface and creates the illusion of large ripples that have been designed to recall t..
DLC: The Huangpu River, excavated by Lord Chunshen during China’s warring states period (475 BC – 221 BC), is a 113 km long tributary flowing through Shanghai, China. Due to its unique geographical location and vast maritime advantages, the Huangpu River from the mid-19th through the end of the 20th century became an ideal location for factories, docks, stacks and warehouses and was also the bes..
PLAT Studio: Nestled between Shanghai and Suzhou, Kunshan is a rapidly developing county-level city. The recent influx of industry workers and residents, drawn to the newly flourishing tech district of Kunshan West, has created a need for conscious inclusion of green infrastructure to support the district’s core as it continues to grow. Typical of cities in southern Jiangsu, activity in Kunshan ..
marshall blecher & studio fokstrot have unveiled a system of floating islands for copenhagen that seeks to provide a new type of public space for the city’s harbor. designed as a sort of parkipelago, the copenhagen islands will be open and free to be used by boaters, fishermen, kayakers, stargazers, swimmers, or just anyone that wants to be outside. the copenhagen islands by marshall blecher & s..
Tamborí Arquitectes: Carmen Carpintero Park is located next to a ravine called “Salt de l’Aigua” in El Carmen neighbourhood, at the east side of Manises municipality. The limited and improper use of the park pushed the local government to propose the renovation of the park which includes new facilities that allow physical and visual permeability and adaptation to the current needs of the residen..