Spanish/Mexican architects Cadaval & Solà-Morales designed an exhibition of works by artist Susana Solano at Fundación ICO in Madrid, made almost entirely of recycled materials. The exhibition, displaying models of Solano’s public artworks, ran from October last year until January this year.
Belgian designer and artist Arne Quinze created a temporary installation at five-star Parisian hotel Le Royal Monceau last month, before the hotel’s closure for a year-long reburbishment. The installation, called Rebirth, lasted just one night as part of Demolition Party, a VIP event on 26 June at which guests were invited to help destroy fixtures at the hotel. Le Royal Monceau will reopen next ..
The structure spanning the river incorporates four enclosed exhibitionspaces and combines the structural considerations of a bridge with thespatial requirements of a pavilion.
The AA’s 2008 summer pavilion lands in Bedford Square Photos by Sue Barr and AA students Designers: AA students Location: Architectural Association, Bedford Square, London London’s Bedford Square is once again being transformed by the arrival of a dynamic timber structure. The Swoosh is this year’s winner of the AA’s summer pavilion competition. Working from an original concept by student Valeri..
Bronze Glory June 22nd, 2005 + +digg A little while ago I mentioned that I posting was going to be a little slow as I had a competition to work on. If you don’t remember, I believe my exact words were that I had masterpieces to design. The competition was for a National Police Memorial in Canberra. The results were announced today and I came equal third. Which I am happy with. The th..