[ Studio27 Architecture ] The Rincon Bates House

    The R|B House is a re-conceptualization of an end row house unit in Capitol Hill, Washington DC. The project furthers a continuing exploration in sustainable urban residential design.

    The existing two-story structure was originally built in 1906 and represents the archetype of single family dwelling units in the city. The house had been renovated in the early 1970’s, but the interior space remained a series of compartmentalized programmed rooms reminiscent of more traditional lifestyles.

    The owners approached Studio 27 with an open ended request, the only stipulations being a re-configuration of the existing circulation pattern and thoughtful consideration for the ecological impact of the project. The scope of work evolved through an investigation of sectional manipulations focusing on apertures, daylight and natural ventilation.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY