* 하얼빈 목조각 박물관[ MAD Architects ] Wood Sculpture Museum

우드조각 박물관
중국 하얼빈에 MAD가 계획한 박물관이에요.
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각기 다른 레이어를 하나로 조합되어 유니크한 형태를 만들었어요.

Beijing-based MAD Architects have just shared their design for a Wood Sculpture Museum in Harbin, China with us.    Harbin is currently experiencing a period of rapid expansion and the new museum will allow the growing city to define itself as a regional hub for the arts.   Inspired by the unique local winter landscapes, the museum is a contrast between the elegance of nature and the speed of daily life. Its 200 meter long body is shaped as a frozen fluid that reflects and explores the relation between the building and the environment.

The design places a strong emphasize on form as the sleek tube-like structure becomes more articulated toward the entry space.  The twisting nature of the museum creates voids where light illuminates the galleries and main circulation spaces.

The interior of the museum combines two different exhibitions connected by a centralized entrance which both separates the two museums while simultaneously joining them, achieving a symbiotic relationship. Skylights flood daylight into the voids adjacent to the galleries, creating optimum viewing conditions and scenic moments in and around the building.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY