* 포루투칼 노인센터 [ miguel arruda architects ] elderly day care center

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높이와 깊이감의 다름에서 오는 차이를 중정에서 해결하고 있어요.

lisbon-based firm miguel arruda architects has designed 'elderly day care center'
in vialonga, portugal, a seniors building that pivots around a central courtyard dig-out.
located in a relatively recent but already degrading neighbourhood, the new complex
is intended to urge the local officials to generate more spaces that support the elderly population.

conceived as a singular architectural object, the project initially started out as a box
that defined its interior space by varying the ceiling height depending on programmatic needs.
a central courtyard was exercised from the dual-sloped mass to admit natural lighting
and facilitate cross-ventilation.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY