* 아크릴 에어 의자 [ Ben Alun-Jones ] Affinity Chair

의자의 본연의 의무인 안락함을 포기하고 자기 스스로 사라지기를 바라는 의자네요.
진실된 디자인은 그 제품자체의 디자인이 빛을 바래는 것이 아닌
주변의 것들을 받아들여 없어지는 것인가요?
의자의 디자인을 사라지기 위해 반사아크릴과 내부에는 LED를 이용해
투과된 빛으로 의자를 사라지게 하는 모습을 보이네요.
작은 의자가 많은 것을 생각하게 만드네요.

Ben Alun-Jones is young designer and qualified engineer currently studying at the Royal College of Art. His latest work is an attempt at the impossible: invisibility. 'There is something of an ideology in chair design,' he explains, 'that really what you want to sit on is nothing - like you're supported by air. That's how I began creating a chair that, in a way, wasn't there.  A structure made out of light.'

The 'Affinity Chair' is unlikely to win any prizes for comfort, but it pulls off an impressive vanishing act.

Materials: Acrylic, Mirror Film, LED, Ultrasonic sensor, Custom Electronics and Code

Plastic acrylic sheet and one-way mirror film are used to create a structure that reflects and merges with its surroundings. The chair not only responds to and camouflages itself to match its environment, it also interacts directly with the sitter: sensors activate pulsing LEDs hidden within its frame that quicken like a heart beat as it is approached. The effect is eerie: as the chair is lit from within, its reflective surfaces becomes transparent and all its edges are illuminated. The chair's disappearance is an attempt at escape; yet this strangely animate object remains rooted to the spot, it’s vanishing body revealing a further hidden space within.
Alun-Jones' explains his work as using technology itself as an artistic medium to challenge existing perceptions. His materials are unconventional - LEDs, ultrasonic sensors, custom-built and programmed circuit boards. The result is new, challenging, and anything but robotic.

The Affinity Chair will be featured at the Royal College of Art Interim Show (Wed 2nd - Mon 7th Feb 2011) as well as at V&A Connects with... ARTS THREAD (Tues 25th Jan 2011) and the V&A Digital Festival (Sat 5th March 2011), both at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY