*텔레비젼은 가전제품이 아닙니다, 가구입니다.[ Mike Chen ] TV-furniture

텔레비젼은 가전전자제품이 아닌 가구 입니다.
우리 거실에 있는 쇼파나 책장처럼 집안의 인테리어 요소의 하나입니다.
우리 집안의 가전전자제품을 한번 둘러보세요. 검은색, 백색, 은색과 같이
하나같이 차가운 재질로 되어 '나는 전기를 먹고 삽니다'라고
이야기 하고 있지요. 시대가 발전하면서 가구의 전자제품화, 전자제품의
가구화는 당연히 인정해야할 부분이지만 인테리어적인 디자인 부분에서는
동떨어져 취급받고 있는게 사실이지요.
가전제품의 디자인이 조금더 사람과 호흡하는
디자인으로 바뀌어 나갔으면 하는 바램입니다.

forget what you know about Television! It is not just another electronic devise you have in your house. It is also furniture like your sofa or your bookshelf. Apart from its practical use, which makes it such a distinctive appliance, a TV can also serve aesthetically in the room where it is placed.

Mike Chen, a Taiwanese industrial designer who lives in New York since he was 14 years-old and currently studies at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn,NY (Class 2012), is the man behind this TV set, reminiscent of the 50s era, sees it as an object whose physicality has a strong character like any other furniture object! His minimalistic TV may be inspired from a precedent era but his approach is modern as well as classy! The TV set has pale and elegant colors such as grey and white combined with wood making the exterior an ultimate contemporary chic!
The remote control is a simple dial. There is one big button for the power, and the dial turns left or right to adjust the channel or the volume. His approach is: "less is more". An interesting part of this TV set is that when not in use, the remote fits into the space on the top right of the TV so when you are done watching TV you can place it back into the slot. This smart and savvy design makes sure that your remote control stays in place and that you won’t need to search for it again!

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY