*재활용 매거진 퍼니쳐 [ the kilo ] Recyclable Magazine Furniture

파쇄한 디자인매거진을 다시 가구로 만드는 리사이클링 퍼니쳐네요.
 산업디자이너 젠스 프렛은 이전부터 일련의 이와 같은 프로젝트를 진행했네요.
캔,병, 매거진, 골판지등을 적당한 크기로 리사이즈하여 다시 그것을
투명한 레진과 같은 구체로 같이 굳히는 거죠.
특히 이번 프로젝트는 디자인매거진의 컨텐츠가 구체적인 퍼니처로 재탄생하는 것이
디자인의 순환구조가 되는 것 같아 재미있는 것 같아요.
패브릭케이션 컴퍼니를 섭외해서 다른 재질로 만들어 봐야 겠네요.
Belgian industrial designer Jens Praet who we’ve seen before on Yatzer proves that recycling can be a lot more interesting than stuffing cans, bottles, magazines and cardboard into the proper recycling containers.  Fossilized at Industry Gallery in Washington DC, is Praet’s first solo exhibition in the U.S.; his designs are made of shredded magazines and documents mixed with clear resin.

Fossilized features nine works – tables, consoles, benches and shelves, five of which are made of shredded magazines and four of shredded documents.  Praet recycled magazines such as Art in America, Capitol File, Details, Fast Company, and Robb Report and shredded them through the paper shredder to end up with some pounds or kilos of recycled paper.  Then, mixed with clear resin he created his own unique designs; each in an edition of 12 having created each design exclusively from a magazine title.  Furthermore, equivalent works for all the designs except the large table were also accomplished using shredded documents mixed with semi-transparent white resin to create the balance of the exhibitions nine works.
The Shredded Collection Sidetable (Details Edition) is made from 6 kg Details magazine leftovers and clear resin...
Materials: Shredded Details magazines, clear resin

Dimensions: 750 x 850 x 400 mm (h x w x d)

Production: Edition of 8 + 2AP + 2P

photo by Kaitey Whitehead © 2011, studio Jens Praet for Industry Gallery

The pieces are made by mixing the shredded paper with the resin and then poured into a molding plate.  Once the resin has dried up and hardened, the pieces are popped out of the molding plate and finished off by hand.  All Fossilized items are handcrafted in cooperation with Wandschappen, Rotterdam – The Netherlands.  The creation of Fossilized was initiated by Praet’s concern regarding recycling and sustainable design, as well as the amount of paper waste being produced globally.
The Shredded Collection Shelf (Robb Report Edition) is made from 4 kg Robb Report magazine leftovers and clear resin...
Materials: Shredded Robb Report magazines, clear resin
Dimensions: 320 x 1400 x 300 mm (h x w x d)
Production: Edition of 8 + 2AP + 2P

The Shredded Collection Shelf (White Edition) is made from 4 kg shredded confidential documents and white pigmented resin. The top and inner-sides have been high gloss polished...
Materials:Shredded confidential documents, white pigmented resin
Dimensions:320 x 1400 x 300 mm (h x w x d)
Production:Edition of 8 + 2AP + 2P

Fossilized is an assortment through which Praet addresses creatively, matters regarding sustainability.  He communicates his message through a limited edition piece of furniture which has been created by generating a new purpose to a mass product such as magazines.  Through this form of communication Praet makes the magazine unusable as a means of communication and information, but makes the most of it by creating a unique furniture piece.   

According to Jens Praet , “what started out as a research project, turned out to be a continuously growing furniture collection that ended up transforming seemingly useless documents and leftover magazines into useful objects.  Paper waste returns to our living or working area as usable furniture.”
The Shredded Collection Bench (Capitol File Edition) is made from 3 kg Capitol File magazine left overs and clear resin...
Materials: Shredded Capitol File magazines, clear resin
Dimensions: 400 x 900 x 350 mm (h x w x d)
Production: Edition of 8 + 2AP + 2P

Just for your info, here is a list of the magazines (named edition) and/or documents (white edition) used to create each work:
+ Fossilized Console Table:  Art in America & White Editions /// 11.1 pounds, 5kg
+ Fossilized Bench:  Capitol File & White Editions /// 6.65 pounds, 3kg
+ Fossilized Side Table:  Details & White Editions /// 13.25 pounds, 6kg
+ Fossilized Large Table:  Fast Company Edition /// 26.5 pounds, 12kg
+ Fossilized Large Shelf:  Robb Report & White Editions /// 8.85 pounds, 4kg

The Shredded Collection Sidetable (White Edition) is made from 6 kg shredded confidential documents and white pigmented resin. The top and inner-shelf have been high gloss polished...
Materials: Shredded confidential documents, white pigmented resin
Dimensions: 750 x 850 x 400 mm (h x w x d)
Production: Edition of 8 + 2AP + 2P

The Shredded Collection Bench (White Edition) is made from 3 kg shredded confidential documents and white pigmented resin. The top and shelves have been high gloss polished...
Materials: Shredded confidential documents, white pigmented resin
Dimensions:400 x 900 x 350 mm (h x w x d)
Production:Edition of 8 + 2AP + 2P

The Shredded Collection Console (White Edition) is made from 5 kg shredded confidential documents and white pigmented resin. The top and shelves have been high gloss polished...
Materials: Shredded confidential documents, white pigmented resin
Dimensions: 1000 x 1200 x 300 mm (h x w x d)
Production: Edition of 8 + 2AP + 2P

The Shredded Collection Console (Art in America Edition) is made from 5 kg Art in America magazine leftovers and clear resin...
Materials: Shredded Art in America magazines, clear resin
Dimensions: 1000 x 1200 x 300 mm (h x w x d)
Production: Edition of 8 + 2AP + 2P

The Shredded Collection Table (Fast Company Edition) is made from 26 kg Fast Company magazine leftovers and clear resin...
Materials: Shredded Fast Company magazines, clear resin
Dimensions: 750 x 1800 x 800 mm (h x w x d)
Production: Edition of 8 + 2AP + 2P

Fossilized will be running at Industry Gallery up until February 26, 2011.
1358 Florida Avenue, NE, Suite 200, Washington DC 20002

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY