*스타킹 여자를 입다 [ les-queues-de-sardines ] Autumn Winter 2010-11

스타킹 여자를 입다.
위트와 재치 만점인 스타킹 이네요.
또한 상당히 스타일리쉬해서 자신만의 독특한 아이템을
가질 수 있어서 참 재미있네요.
한정생산품이니 생각이 있으신분은 빨리 서두르셔야 겠어요.

Les Queues de Sardines, a registered trademark of the m + o studio, is offering an original range of stockings and tights notable for their unconventional and unique graphic style. Add a pinch of narrative humor - the result is a choice of elegant and unusual models that will dress up your legs with an unusual stylish and elegant pattern. Screen-printed by hand in limited quantities, these rare and exclusive articles will never go unnoticed.

from  les-queues-de-sardines


Designed by JB FACTORY