*예술,과학,교육의 이노베이션 스페이스 [ Diller Scofidio + Renfro ] Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the Creative Arts, Brown University

동적인 프로그램과 정적인 프로그램의 다이나믹한 조합이네요.
이번 프로젝트는 특히 단면 계획이 재미있네요.
과학과 예술 그리고 교육, 3가지 상이한 프로그램을 반층씩 엇갈려 수직배치함으로써
서로간의 시선간섭과 위계간섭을 피했어요.
여기에는 건축가의 중요한 컨셉이 담겨져 있는데요.
예술, 과학 그리고 교육의 세가지 상이한 프로그램 사이에는
공통점이 없어보이죠. 하지만 건축가는 그라노프 센터에서 이 프로그램들이
서로 상호작용하면서 새로운 발전,혁신이 될 수 있도록 공간조닝을 하였어요.
예술은 과학에 도움을 받아 더 사실적이며 구체적인 발전을 할 수 있는 것이고요
과학은 예술적 영감에서 얻은 크리에이티브적인 발상의 전환으로 더 좋은 연구를 할 수 있고,
여기서 개발된 과제나 실험적 테이터는 교육의 훌륭한 프로그램으로 활용 될수 있는 거죠.
발상전환을 혁신으로 이끌수 있도록 그 공간조닝을 하는 건축가는 정말 대단하네요.

The Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the Creative Arts, designed by , recently opened for spring semester classes at Brown University. Providing performance space, exhibitions, installations, and an outdoor amphitheater, the Center’s long structural spans, high ceilings, and large floor plates stimulate a necessary collaborative environment with flexibility. Seeking certification, the exterior venetian blind system and green roof are just a few of the sustainable features for the Granoff Center.

Charles Renfro, partner-in-charge for the project, stated the following about ’s design:

In creating the design for the Granoff Center, we needed structural elements that would stimulate the creative process from virtually every aspect of the building. The Granoff Center is a merger of architectural gesture and academic pedagogy. Our strategy was to encourage and illustrate collaboration across every level.

The six half-levels that make up the Granoff Center were derived from a stacked floor slab system. The three initial floors were divided in half down the length of the building and then offset. This intentional misalignement provided a unique connection between levels, therefore the landings were expanded, providing gathering space for breakout sessions for both students and faculty.

The Granoff Center embodies the goal of the Creative Arts Council to advance innovative directions for research, teaching, and production across the boundaries of individual arts disciplines. Specifically, the Center will allow for the development of programs and courses based on the collaboration of artists, scientists, and scholars to create new art forms, explore new approaches to collaboration, and extend the knowledge of the creative process.

Program spaces:

• 218-seat recital hall/ 35mm film screening venue
• Four studios for production of performance art, installations, visual art, music, audio, video and film.
• Recording studio suite.
• Media Lab for production via computer.
• Physical Media Lab for production and research in sensors, robotics, and physical computing
• Five project studios, allowing for individual, rather than collective, work
• Gallery
• Smart classroom

Program spaces are interconnected by:

• A split level structure displaced in section to create six half-levels. A full height interior glass “cleave wall” is inserted between each half-level promoting viewing between program spaces while maintaining critical acoustical isolation
• Break-out spaces named “Living rooms” cantilevered into atrium space and located off of a connecting stairway and furnished with comfortable furniture and equipped for presentation
• A building-wide audio-visual network with a central “brain” that supports the simultaneous capture and projection of AV information from space to space
• Multi-use lobby/event space
• Two elevators – one dedicated to the Granoff Center and the other to the adjacent Brown Office Building (BOB) loading dock
• An underground connection to the adjacent Brown Office Building

Program spaces go public via:

• Full height glazing facing The Campus Walk, a series of linked green spaces that provide a central pedestrian connector between Brown’s historic campus and the Pembroke campus.
• An outdoor amphitheater situated with view into the Recital hall and wired for sound and video and with motorized outdoor projection screen, allowing outdoor performances, film screenings, summer movies, and installations and integrated with the building data and audio-visual network for simultaneous projection and view into the auditorium.
• Zinc metal exterior rain screen folded around windows for view from Angell and Olive streets
• Public gallery program and temporary exhibitions
• Art wall at Angell Street entry

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY