* 일본 슬라이딩 하우스[Level Architects ] House in Nakameguro

아이와 영원히 추억을 만들고 소중히 간직하게 줄 슬라이드 하우스입니다.
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집전체를 감싸 올라가는 계단과 3층의 정점에서 시작되는
슬라이드는 집 전체의 동선을 자연스럽게 순환되도록 연결하였어요.
우리는 건축면적,용적율(건축에서 법상으로 제한에 놓은 건축가능면적)때문에
수직동선은 계단실로 계획하여 최소한의 면적을 차지하도록 하는 것이
일반적인 경우이지요. 분명 장단은 존재해요.
저에게 건축주가가 의뢰를 한다면 저도 많은 고민을 할 것 같아요.
하지만 답은 해맑게 뛰어다니는 아이들의 얼굴을 보면 알 수 있을 것 같아요.
결국은 공간은 사용자,거주자가 가장 행복할 수 있는 공간을
만들어 주는 것이니까요.

Japanese studio Level Architecs have completed a house in Tokyo, Japan, with a slide connecting all three floors.

A staircase wraps around one side of the rectangular house and the slide encircles the other.
Occupants can decide at each level whether to descend by the stairs or by slide.
The living areas are located on the first floor and lead out to a double-height terrace, which also doubles up as a ball pen for children to play in.
A bedroom and bathroom are located on the top floor and a Japanese-style room and home office can be found at ground level.
Photographs are by Shinichi Tanaka unless otherwise stated.

House in Nakameguro – “House with SLIDE”

It was the client’s desire. “I want to create the house to which three children remain in memories forever.” he said too.

For this family, “SLIDE” will be a symbol felt deeply.

We considered the possibility building its play space into the space of daily life naturally at the same time as thinking about “SLIDE”.

We decided to be thought that it became no “House with SLIDE” it and “House of SLIDE” by it did not catch as mere “Play equipment” that along the stairs sideward of “SLIDE” like the slope, and set up in a part of the open ceiling and used it but building it in the entire construction.
They goes up from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor by “Stairs” according to outer in the house, and they descends from the 3rd floor to the 1st floor by “SLIDE”.
In all circumference in the house become big “SLIDE”, and the plan became the entire design as it is.
The rounded wall makes feel to enclose with “Stairs” and “SLIDE” in living room and dinning room and kitchen of the 2nd floor more.
Fixtures sofa with height of 6-meters gives the unity of sense to living room and dinning room and kitchen, and the subdued light from the courtyard at the center of the room pours into the room through the grating deck.
In the bedroom of the 3rd floor, daring to partition it doesn’t do, and be entire family’s bedroom now.
A soft shadow is cast on the inside and outside part because the entire house are roundness all, and externals that wear roundness are lovely houses where people happens to pass stops their foot.
When this house was visited one month after the completion, “SLIDE” was relieved in daily life.
In addition we saw children reverse-running.
It was “House of SLIDE” that had already exceeded our imagination.


Location / Tokyo, Japan
Site area / 109.82m2

Total floor area / 163.69m2
Structure / wood

Floor number / 3 stories
Completion / 2009

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY