*스타일리쉬 커피 혹은 체어 [ Chris Martin ] Crown_Massproductions

우아하고 엘레강스하고 파워풀한 색감의 연출
그리고 모던한 디테일.
보기에는 그렇게 편안하게 보이지는 않는다.
물론 디자이너씨는 '당신이 상상하는 이상의 안락함과
포근함을 준다'라고 하지만..
등받이와 팔걸이가 만나는 부분이 특이한데
여기가 이 의자의 숨은 기술력이라고 할수 있을 것 같다.
내심 무슨 기술력인가 봤더니
혁신적인 소재 정도 밖에 기술이 안되어있네.
2011년 스톡홀록 가구박람회에 전시품인데
'ley'에게 시간되면 다녀오라 해야 겠다.

Called Crown, the armchair has a backrest that appears to perch on its slender arms.
An easy chair is also available, upholstered in the same stretchy woollen fabric to minimise seams.

New upholstery collection by Chris Martin for Massproductions

The Crown armchair and easy chair create a dignified and elegant sitting experience, regardless of the location in which they are placed. They have a light, open back design with fully upholstered side panels which give a sense of volume despite the chair’s low weight. The chairs are made from relatively flat parts, which when joined together give a strong form which is greater than their sum parts. The backrest is perched on top of the armrests and seems to be unsupported. The connection is in fact very strong and this innovation adds to the visual playfulness of the chairs. The Crown armchair and easy chair are upholstered in a heavy duty woollen stretch textile, which allows us to keep seems to a minimum, further enhancing their beautiful forms.

In just two years Massproductions has established itself as one of the most exciting furniture companies in Europe. Their first collection included the “Tio” chair, which is generally considered to be a new modern classic. This is their 3rd presentation at the Stockholm Furniture Fair and sees the collection expanding into upholstered products, under the creative direction of designer Chris Martin – an Englishman who has made his home in Stockholm. Together with fellow designer and co-owner Magnus Elebäck, Massproductions continues to deliver elegant, rational and functional furniture pieces to grace our built environments.

from  dezeen


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