*스툴에 불의 흔적을 새기다 [ Kaspar Hamacher ] Ausgebrannt

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Stockholm 2011: Belgian designer Kaspar Hamacher makes stools from wooden logs by setting them on fire.

Called Ausgebrannt (German for ‘burnt out’), the project involves stripping bark from the logs then burning away certain sections to create legs.

The stools were displayed on circular landings at the Biologiska museum in Stockholm as part of 20 Designers at Biologiska, surrounded by a 360 degree diorama of stuffed animals and sea birds.

Kaspar Hamacher uses fire to create furniture. Fittingly named ‘ausgebrannt’ which means ‘burned out’ in german. Tree trunks have been cut into segments varying in length.
The bark is stripped from the exterior and fire is then used to hollow out parts of the trunk to create legs. Working in Brussels, Kaspar moved back to the forest where he now runs his atelier. The product brought him back to his roots.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY