*하늘에서 내려본 랜드스케이프 Agricultural Landscapes Seen From Space

우리가 볼수 있는 매우 한정적이다.

하늘에서 내려다 본 랜드스케이프는

어느 솜씨 좋은 디자이너의 작업이라고

해도 믿을 만큼 훌륭하다.

디자인을 하기 위한 디자인이 아닌

농업이라는 생존과 결부된 랜드스케이프는

그래서 오히려 더 치밀하고 계획적이다.

삶이란 생활의 패턴이 만들어 놓은

디자인은 그래서 더욱더 단단하고

빈틈없다.(허울좋은 껍데기 디자인 아닌

더이상 뺄것이 없는 디자인)

On daily basis we come across images that are built using various code techniques, whether this be pixelation, glitch, particle fields, swarms, reaction diffusion, looking that these images on Wired Science, it’s amazing to see the similarities between the works we create and the environment we inhabit. Even more apparent when we consider that they bare no correlation to one another and the large gap in scale that exists between them. Likewise, the images below appear strangely “Digital”…

Agriculture is one of the oldest and most pervasive human impacts on the planet. Estimates of the land surface affected worldwide range up to 50 percent. But while driving through the seemingly endless monotony of wheat fields in Kansas may give you some insight into the magnitude of the change to the landscape, it doesn’t compare to the view from above.

more on Wired Science

from  creativeapplications


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