* 도심속 중정형 생활주택 [ MESH Architectures ] Atrium House

중정을 내어 만들다:

도심형 주택설계를 하다보면 앞마당과

뒷마당을 갖는 형식이 아닌 중정형

설계를 많이 하게 된다.

외부로 부터 자연스럽게 사생활을 보호하면서

도심에서 느낄 수 없는 아웃도어스페이스를

느낄 수 있기 때문이다.

아트리움 하우스는 그런 측면에서

현재 계획되어지는 도심내 중정형
주거와 비슷하다.
중정을 기준으로 한쪽면은 게스트룸과
게스트 베스 그리고 주생활공간에서는
저층부에 거실 겸 부엌을 연계하여
공간의 확장성을 좋게 하였다.
단순한 공식으로 거주자에게
만족을 주는 것은
건축가의 능력이자

This house for a bachelor began as a one-story workshop that occupied the entire 22’x100’ site.The pre-existing condition of a built-full lot meant that, according to NYC zoning regulations, if we don’t enlarge the house, we need not comply with typical residential requirements such as a 30’ rear yard.Thus we got to build something very difficult for NewYork: an atrium house, built around a courtyard.

The house gives maximum exposure to the outdoor space and a sense of intimate privacy. In some neighborhoods this would spoil an array of adjacent, verdant backyards. But this is a mixed-use block.The neighbor to the east is a built-full recording studio, for example.

Both the living room and the bedroom suite (bedroom and bath) open completely to the courtyard through folding glass doors.There are also outdoor spaces at both ends of the second floor. A catwalk through the double-height living room connects these outdoor spaces.

The primary circulation path extends the full depth of the house, along the east side wall.This axis helps this side wall become a SpecialWall. Steve, the owner, is a creative individual — a musician, actor, storyteller, and artist — and the SpecialWall becomes an elongated surface for creative projects.The wall is clad in pine boards that were sawn from the house’s original joists. Embedded in the wall are steel channel struts.There are dozens of fittings that bolt to these struts, and pretty much anything may be mounted on them. Running parallel to the struts are electrical Plugmolds that ensure that you can install an electrical device on the wall anywhere. Lighting along this wall is from fixtures made of plumbing pipe, designed by the architect.

The experience of moving through the house provides varied conditions, varied views.There are narrow spaces like the entry and first flight of stairs.The main space, on the other hand, is open and airy.

The stair is cantilevered from the wall dividing the two flights, so it starts in a compressed space and ends suspended above the double-height living room.

The front facade is modest and unassuming. It is basic stucco, with GreenScreen wire mesh to support vines that will soon cover it.The house is heated by a radiant concrete floor.

from  architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY