평온한 하우스가 설계 되었다.
우리의 생활환경과는 사뭇 다른 부에노스아이레스와
어울리는 오픈플래닝 타입의 L자 구조는 고온다습한
열대성기후에 적합하다.
또한 깊은 캔틸레버는 태양으로 부터 빛을 차단해
집안의 온도를 적절히 유지하는데 도움을 준다.
소프트하며 간결한 건축물의 형태는
모던건축의 계보를 계승하는 디자이너의
컨셉이 엿보인다.
하지만 그이전에 환경이나 기후적으로
뒷받침이 되지 않았다면 지금처럼
모던하면서 리니어한 형태는
계획하기 쉽지 않았을 것이다.
지붕벤치에 누워 한가로이 일광욕을 하고
싶다는 생각이 강하게 드는 거는 나만 그럴까?
This residence was completed in January this year, yet it exudes a classic, modernist elegance that will ensure it will look just as timeless 50 years from now. Located in Buenos Aires, the “L House” by architect Mathias Klotz and associate architect Edgar Minond is the main residence of a small family.
Although this could be categorized as yet another grouping of concrete boxes representing the tiresome trend that just does not seem to want to die, this residence avoids all of the pitfalls most of such houses fall into.
In contrast to the stacked-concrete-boxes syndrome, not one section of this residence sticks out over anything, nor jut in an odd angle. No vanity ideas, no statement characteristics, no ego trip.
The house looks unpretentious and serene. All of its parts belong together and, loveliest of all, the structure appears to have sat on the site for some time. Simply put, it belongs. It all works.
European modernist sensitivities are apparent both inside and out. The use of wood, glass, steel, concrete and travertine limestone creates a coherent composition of materials and allows light and shadow to complete the decorative touches.
Without being too severe or controlled, this residence is composed of order. Some angles offer a Japanese or Scandinavian vista, as the indoor and outdoor spaces interact harmoniously.
This kind of simplicity is difficult to achieve and therefore it is so rare.
The architect, Mathias Klotz, was born in Viña del Mar, Chile, in 1965. He is one of Chile’s best known architects whose work includes private residences, hospitality and public buildings. In 2001, he received the Borromini Prize for Altamira School in Santiago de Chile. - Tuija Seipell
The excellent photography of this residence is by Roland Halbe of Stuttgart, Germany given to TCH exclusively.