*하이브리드, 잡종건축 [ Forrest Fulton Architecture ] Masons Bend Community Center

하이브리드 잡종 건축

오사 멤버 BJ가 입버릇 처럼 이야기 하는
잡종건축이 구축되었다.

얼핏 보면 프랑켄슈타인처럼 여러개의 조각들이
임시방편으로 처리 해놓은 것처럼 연결되어 있다.
하지만 이것은 자연의 언어를 건축적언어로 변환하여
채플의 공간구성과 창고의 형태를 교잡하여 만들어낸
새로운 건축방식이다.
이렇게 구축된 커뮤티니 센터는 새로운 재료와
새로운 구축방식으로 이전과는 다른 건축적 어휘를
보여주며, 건축과 오브제의 경계를 모호하게 만든다.
또한 상부로 좁아지는 듯한 파사드 구성은
벽과 지붕의 경계면이 없이 구축되어
보는 이로 하여금 중력으로 휘어진 투시도를
보는 느낌마저 들게 한다.
우리가 사용하지 않는 자동차 천장 글래스의
사용과 얇은 알루미늄 시트의 조합은
구축방식을 더 교묘히 감추어
잡종건축의 새로운 지평을 보여준다.

reviewed by SJ

The building, designed and executed while at Auburn University Rural Studio, serves a small community called Masons Bend. The process of developing the program, the architecture, and its execution was all initially open. After researching the needs of Masons Bend’s citizens, we proposed a public, multifunctional, open-air space on a privately owned site. While the site is awkward and small, it addresses and adjoins the three extended families that make up the community. Design addresses the privately owned, yet publicly accessible space.
Form follows Function.

The formal architectural language follows the multifunctional nature of the space. The form resists a specific building typology, instead smoothly hybridizing vernacular chapel and barn forms. Innovative material reuse and improvised construction techniques further blends vernacular formal language into a new, local language.
Scaling effect

Composition of walls and roofs make the space and site appear larger. From the front approach, rammed earth walls taper away and down toward the ground at each end to force a perspective on the eye. The barn-like roof breaks into two parts: the thin aluminum sheets and the pristine automotive glass skylight. This effect also takes place as you approach and leave the building parallel to these tapered walls.

Materials and Construction

To achieve maximum effect with a small budget, the building uses alternative and cheap material sources. The rammed earth has a timeless character. The automotive glass feels pristine and contemporary.
We tested both materials for our particular locale and application. The process of developing the glass system was particularly involved. The team built a series of mock-ups to test various types of auto glass, fastening techniques, and substructures.

from  archello


Designed by JB FACTORY