뱀의 몸짓 같다.
일본 후카이도 230번 고속도로 휴게소는
교통의 요충지로 인근 관광지와 뮤지엄, 그리고
인근주민들의 작업장과 집을 가는 길목에
설치 되어 있다.
외형과는 달리 운전자들의 휴식과 보충을 위한
평면구성은 기능적으로 심플한 플래닝을 보여준다.
식음료와 휴식을 할 수 있는 공간을
샵과 키오스크 그리고 휴식공간에 적절히
분배하여 여러 사람들이 이용하는 공공시설의
기능적 레이아웃을 충실히 보여준다.
블랙의 곡선은 훗카이도의 추운 겨울을 보내기 위해
여름내 무수히 열렸던 잎들이 낙엽으로 땅을 덮어
온기를 보존하듯이 대지를 감싸 안으며 뻗어 있다.
특히 블랙의 곡선은 소복소복 쌓이는 눈과 절묘한
대비를 이루면서 환상적인 뷰를 만들어 낸다.
요새 원전 때문에 일본여행을 자제하고 있지만
훗까이도의 설경을 빠른 시간내에 보고 싶어지는
이유는 멀까?
This motorway service station along Route 230 in northern Japan, by architects Code, has a black, rectangular form that snakes up from the ground towards a nearby mountain.
The shape of the building was influenced by the curves of the landscape, but internally it has a simple single-storey arrangement.
A number of shops and food outlets are contained within, serving drivers travelling between the towns of Kutchan and Rusutsu.
Concept Text
GR230 is a highway service centre located in the town of Kimobetsu, Hokkaido. Situated along Route 230 at the crossroads leading towards Kutchan and Rusutsu, the facility is a vital hub that connects various towns and areas in the Shiribeshi sub prefecture, including popular tourist spots, museums, workplaces, homes and a diverse range of other everyday destinations.
GR230’s primary function is to provide services centring on food from the local area. It features a simple, flat layout that consists of shops and kiosks, rest areas, and food and beverage outlets.
This project began in 2005 as part of a plan to widen Route 230, a national highway that runs right through the centre of Kimobetsu. The town offered us the use of a site for our proposed building, with the car park, toilets and tourist office managed by the local municipal government. Construction and business operations were undertaken by private corporations.
A town planning committee was launched in Kimobetsu at the same time that the project was getting started, which we joined from the outset. One of the issues involved in planning this highway service centre was how to project its presence in relation to the passing traffic. We made careful, repeated studies of building forms that would be appropriate to the location as well as how the centre would serve as a local landmark, finally deciding that the architecture itself ought to serve as a kind of signboard.
Although the completed form of the building was designed to incorporate multiple meanings within it, the motif on which the shape of the facility was based is in fact concealed within the landscape of ravines and gorges, with Mount Shiribetsu to the south and Mount Yotei to the west.
When the architectural form of the building first emerged over the course of our studies, we felt as if a vision of the pristine winter landscapes of northern Japan had surfaced from the depths of our memory.
With GR230, we have created a beautiful piece of architecture that commands a dignified presence during the foliage-rich summer months, and a quieter one that seemingly dissolves into the surrounding landscape during the long, reclusive winters.
Project credits/data
Architects: Naoji maekawa
Total floor space: 371.38sq m
Structure: Wooden flat building
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