*레드 빅 매스 [ Molo, d/dt, Frank La Riviere Architects ] Nebuta-no-ie Warasse

8세기 전설의 전사들의 영혼을 모시고
그들의 역사를 보여주는 레드 빅 매스는
전사들을 기리는 지방과 같은 하늘하늘한
메탈 판넬로 감싸져 있다.

레드 서피스는 건물의 외부 내부를 나누는 물리적인 공간을
구획하는 동시에 빛과 그림자, 그리고 과거와 현재를
나누어 내부 전시장 공간을 전사들에게 헌사한다.
우리는 전사들의 영혼을 내부 산책로를 따라 움직이며
직접 또는 간접적으로 접촉하며 시간여행을 하게 된다.

반복적인 패턴 속에서 비틀려진 틈으로 열려진 내부공간은
내외부를 연결하는 입구가 된다. 이러한 패턴의 변형은
개인적으로 선호하는 디자인 코드 중 하나인데
건축물 전체를 유기적인 형태로 디자인하여 아이텐티를 갖는
디자인 코드보다 합리적이고, 효율적이며 유연하다.
우리는 지금의 공간을 계획하지만 미래에 대한 공간 또한
대비하고 디자인하여야 한다. 하지만 유연하지 못한 디자인은
공간을 한정적인 공간으로 구획하여 향후 데드 스페이스를
만들어 내는 결과를 내기도 한다.
물론 형태적으로 랜드마크나 신성화를 필요로 하는 공간
(종교시설)에는 프로그램 특성상 요구되기도 한다.

reviewed by SJ

In August, Nebuta Festival (origin 8th century) fever descends upon . Nebuta, created anew each year, take the form of huge (9 x 7 x 5.5 m) paper lantern like floats showing warriors from Japanese and Chinese history and myth in dramatic poses often showing battle scenes. Roughly 20 large Nebuta are paraded through the streets accompanied by drums, bamboo flutes and hordes of revelers in traditional attire, dancing and chanting.

Architects: molo+d/dt+Frank la Riviere Architects inc
Location: ,
Structure: Kanebako Structural Engineers
MEP: PT Morimura & Associates
Project area: 4,339 sqm
Project year: 2006 – 2010
Photographs: Shigeo Ogawa, Frank La Riviere

The Nebuta-no-ie Warasse is dedicated to all aspects of the Nebuta festival. Located in front of train station, there were the city meets the sea, the building was opened on January 5th 2011. As visitors approach, the building and its plaza frame a view of Bay. A screen of twelve meter tall ribbons wraps the whole building and encloses an outdoor walkway, a threshold between the mythical world of Nebuta and the contemporary city. Each ribbon is twisted and bended to form openings for light, views and passageways.

Inside, the Nebuta, luminous creatures, will reside in darkness. Humans enter into a world of giants. Visitors first travel through the history of the Nebuta festival and city, to arrive at an upper level platform that brings them eye to eye with the real Nebutas. A ramp descends into the Nebuta Hall, a large T-shaped space that recreates the darkness of the city streets by night through the simple choice of black materials: black polished concrete floors, black stucco walls and a black painted ceiling. This materiality is dominant through out the whole building except for the only two white cores that stand out. Each year, five new prize winning Nebuta take up residence in the Nebuta-no-ie Warasse and the cycle of designing and constructing the Nebuta starts all over again.

The Performance Hall (L2) opens to the Nebuta Hall, its huge sliding doors allowing for the Nebuta to become present in performances. Below, the Music Rehearsal Area can be used integrated with the nebuta Hall by opening similar large sliding doors. Both the restaurant (L1) and the multi-purpose space (L2) for community events offer glimpses into the Nebuta Hall as well as views to the sea.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY