*리드믹컬 볼륨 하우스 [ OFFICE AT Co. ] L71 House

4개 볼륨의 리드믹컬한 연속성을
이어주는 리니어한 지붕은 L71하우스를
이곳 날씨로 부터 보호 할 수 있도록
특별히 설계되었다.
상부 메탈시트와 하부 강화 콘크리트 슬래브사이의
공기층은 자연환기를 원활하게 도와주는
동시에 뜨거운 일사광선으로 부터
집을 보호하여 내부의 쾌적성을 올려준다.
특히 분절된 4개의 매스는
우드패널로 마감된 외부면을 따라 분절되면서
아웃도어 스페이스와 확장 및 조우한다.
그중 메인 퍼블릭스페이스인
거실과 풀장의 조닝은 내외부의 경계 없이
두 공간의 활용성을 높여준다.

외부로 접한 면이 많을수록 건축비도 올라가고
에너지 세이빙 면에서도 불리한 점이 있다. 하지만
디자이너의 깊이 있는 해석은
불필요한 오너먼트가 아닌 필요에 의한 아이텐티한
공간 및 형태를 만들어 낸다.

reviewed by SJ

The L71 house is a single family house located on the northeastern side of , . The site for the house is a long and narrow shape site. All of the house programs such as 4 bedrooms, dining room, and family room are place along the site to face the North. Since the owners have occasional parties, the public areas, such as living room and parking, are in the front of the house, and the private areas are in the back of the house along with a swimming pool.

The living room mass was extended to create private space for the swimming pool and the second floor mass was extended to create shading for the swimming pool and terrace. If the house is designed as one big mass it will block ventilation and natural light, so in this house each room is split to maximize ventilation and natural light.

Since the masses are split, it creates some semi outdoor space to interlock indoor and outdoor space. Varieties of natural materials including water, grass and are inserted into each space.

The roof of the main house is double-roof to cover the house from weather. The lower roof is reinforced slab, and the upper roof is sheet roof. A space between the two layers of roof acts as an air buffer, natural ventilation and allows for easy maintenance. Main material of this house is painted plastered brick wall and tint glass. Where the masses are splitted, the material of the splitted masses is .

Architects: OFFICE AT Co.
Location: ,
Project Year: 2010
Project Area: 650 sqm
Photographs: Wison Tungthunya

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY