*패시브 디자인 주거의 방향성을 제시하다 [ Travis Price Architects ] Salop Gelman Residence

자연스럽게 숲속산책로로 연결된
살롭겔멘 레지던스는 자연과 동화된
친숙한 주거형태를 보여준다.
자연의 패스를 적극적으로 유입시켜
나누어진 플랜은 마스터룸과 거실, 부엌의
영역과 게스트룸의 영역으로 구분된다.
특히 유선형의 높고 깊은 지붕은
여름철의 뜨거운 태양으로 부터
집을 쉐이딩 하고 겨울철의 난방부하를
낮추어 효과적인 열효율을 이룰 수 있도록 도와준다.

친환경적인 주거는 자연을 존중하고
배려하는 건축가와 건축주의 마음에서

reviewed by SJ

The Salop/Gelman residence is a new home on a lot overlooking the Potomac River above a large spillway with a placid manmade lake to one side and the harsh rippling rapids to the other. The essential design parti was a garden path that literally bifurcated the home creating an endless path outward to experience the parted waters as the main entry. Nature as front door was the key.

To one side is a large living, dining, kitchen and master bedroom suites. The path to the other side continues down through a long tunnel through media room to the other side containing 3 more bedrooms and an office. The entire house is also a reflection of silver clouds and rolling hills.

The large roof canopy is a direct function of full winter passive solar gain and full summer shading. Functional green design is celebrated by the metaphors of waters and nature in view. It is highly insulated, passively heated and cooled, as well as equipped with a solar domestic hot water system. The entire skin uses low embodied energy with brushed aluminum, indigenous stone and glass. The interior is all select cut lumber and engineered wood.

Architects: Travis Price Architects – Travis Price, Patrick Swift
Location: , CA,
Project Manager: Diego Balagna
Project year: 2010
Photographs: Kenneth M. Wyner

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY