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디자인과 공간이 군더더기 없이(불필요한 오너먼트는 삭제)
기능에 충실할때
우리는 좋은 디자인, 건축이라고 말한다.
부레 밀리터리 트레이닝 센터(밀리터리 시설라기 보다 커뮤니티 센터
와 같은 늬앙스를 풍긴다)는 함축적인 건축언어로 디자인된
박스형태와 건물 외피를 감싸고 있는 펀칭메탈로
심플함과 스컬프처 디자인이 모던한 스타일로
그라운드 레벨에 위치한 그랜드홀은 외부공간과
연계성 및 확장되도록 디자인하였으며
그 위의 오디토리옴은 모던한 노출콘크리트와
컬러풀한 플라스틱체어를 다양하게 매치시켜
디자인 하였다.
내부의 심플함과 모던함과는 사뭇 다른 후면파사드에 디자인된
알루미늄 시트는 웨이브의 형태로
디자인 되어 마치 바람에 나부끼는 숲속의
나뭇잎처럼 매혹적인 분위기를 연출한다.
이는 컴플렉스 스페이스에 필요한 외부 오프닝을
확보하면서 불필요한 태양빛이나 시선을
차단하는 기능을 수반한다.
심플한 형태가 주는 아이콘은
모던함을 넘어 랜드마크가 된다.
reviewed by SJ
The training building at the new combat training centre stands at the end of a tree line, to the east of the footpath serving the higher levels of the existing military base. It is located on the path used by the soldiers, and its position marks a pivotal point on the site, a kind of landmark. The project is expressed through a pure abstract volume, comprising a partially buried reinforced concrete plinth on which stands, in a staggered position to the plinth, a ‘box’ wrapped in perforated metal, its cantilevered overhang forming the entrance.
Architects: meier + associés architectes
Project Year: 2009
Collaborators: C Berther, L Bertrand, T Bolliger, S Braun, M de Dompierre, I Iussi, M Jaques, J Lopez
Project Area: 6,765 sqm
Photographs: Yves André
On the ground floor, a large hall with an outside view leads, on one side, to stairs that serve the upper levels, and on the other side, to a 200-seat auditorium. The auditorium is designed as a simple concrete volume, with a sheet of folded plaster that forms, in a single movement, both the acoustic ceiling and the projection wall. The polychromatic seating layout was designed by artist Daniel Schlaepfer. The two upper levels house the training rooms and offices, arranged around an internal patio open to the sky.
The project hinges around a reinforced concrete wall structure that retains its natural unfinished state throughout the building. All elements added in the second stage of construction are permanently ‘related’ to the cement surface.
The design of the facade brings together the vertical elements created by the subtly undulating perforated aluminium sheets, and the foliage of the surrounding trees. As the result of a complex plan requirement that all openings be arranged on a purely functional basis, the aluminium skin becomes a unifying expressive element. It also offers solar protection, thereby further contributing to the architectural coherence of the building.
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