*다크 와인바 [ Studio SKLIM ] The Tastings Room

이탈리안 레스토랑, 테이스팅 룸은
와인을 즐기면서 식사와 커뮤니티를 할 수 있도록
 디자인된 재미있는 공간이다.
내부 공간의 흐름을 이끌어가는
무채색 콘크리트 바닥위에 설치된 블랙 파티션은
레스토랑을 크게 와인렉과 와인바 그리고 손님들이
식사를 할 수 있는 테이블이 있는 구역으로 나누어 주는
동시에 각 공간의 분위기를 디자인하여 준다.
일관성 있는 공간구성으로 모던하며 통일감 있는
구성이 보인다. 하지만 자칫 와인의 분위기를 따라
연출된 어두운 공간이 전반적으로 식사를 하는 고객들에게
식감을 떨어뜨리는 요소로 작용하지 않을까 걱정된다.

reviewed by SJ

The Tastings Room is a new addition to the heart of ’s Central Business District, Marina Square with the fine combination of French/Italian bistro cuisine and wine cellar under one roof. The restaurant’s vision was to refresh the perception of wine and food culture in by providing them at affordable prices. The overall spatial experience sandwiches the crafted black volumes between two layers of industrial aesthetics: exposed ceiling and concrete screed floor, to juxtapose/merge opposing aesthetics of being sophisticated yet affordable.

Architect: Studio SKLIM
Location: Marina Square, Singapore
Visualization: / Federico Mira
Project Area: 137 sqm
Project Year: 2011
Photographs: Jeremy San

The programmatic composition was divided into three areas namely Wine, Bistro and shared spaces of Wine/Bistro. A U-shaped band of these programs was deployed as it provided the most flexible layout with regards to shared functions, main circulation and points of entry/exit. The Central Bar sits firmly in the middle to negotiate the needs of both Wine and Bistro, as well as providing the point of sale for this establishment.

Drawing inspiration from the outer aesthetics of the dark wine bottle and antique weaved wine basket holders, the outer skin of these volumes adopt a series of black diagonal tiles while the interiors are inspired by the “hidden” flavors of wine, taking on singular hues for rooms such as the red wine cellar and yellow kitchen.

The “Cabinet of Curiosities” was a reference to the collections by the aristocratic of Renaissance Europe who sought to collect interesting samples from areas of geology, biology, natural history and works of art in a designated room. Here, the design’s red “Cabinet of Wine” is a collection of new and old world wine, along with its accessories like decanters, preservation devices and wine glasses. The juxtaposition of all these articles on a curved shelving makes cataloging/indexing visually more legible thus encouraging easier comparisons, experimentation and sampling of the wines.

The coupling of the 2 almost identical function rooms allows a singular space to be converted through a foldable looking glass. One room is shaded in white while the other in black, providing an Asian yin-yang balance to an essentially European gastronomical experience.

The Central Bar is the most chiseled of all volumes as each specific chisel adheres to each practical aspect of hiding services, supporting service counters, anthropometrics and sight lines. The floating tapered form houses a giant light fixture while simultaneously accommodating the bar’s wine racking needs.

A selection of strategically placed visibility cut-outs are subtracted from these dark volumes to reveal internal workings of each enclosure as framed spatial appetizers perhaps liken to how wine should be enjoyed, one sip at a time and always in a controlled manner.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY