엇비슷하게 내려오면서 연결되는 다양한 메스들의
리드믹컬한 배치와 연결성에 있다.
이것은 마치 음향기기의 음소거 볼륨을 줄이는 것처럼
소리의 사라짐을 공간적으로 보여준다. 어쩌면 건물 외피를 덮고 있는
블랙이 풍기는 뉘앙스와 같은 음소거와도 일맥상통 하다 하겠다.
여기에 템퍼러리 스페이스의 새로운 시도로 짚을 사용하고 있다.
검게 물들인 짚은 소리를 흡수하는 동시에 고유하면서 특이한 텍스쳐를
건물에 입혀 주었다. 검은색 털갈이를 하는 커다란 짐승 한마리를 보고 있는 듯한
착각이 들정도로 말이다.
농경을 업으로 하는 시대와 민족에게, 특히 우리에게 짚은 필요한 식량을 생산하는 동시에
취할 수 있는 중요한 건축재료였다. 물론 시대가 발전함에 따라
더 좋은 재료와 기술의 발전으로 필요의 밖으로 물러나 있기는 하지만
한편으로는 친자연적인 재료의 대체품으로 일정부분을 훌륭히
수행 할 수 있을거란 생각이 들기도 한다.
검은색 질감과 리드믹컬한 볼륨구성이 재미있는 프로젝트이다.
reviewed by SJ
The Straw Theatre is built in central
Tallinn, on top of the former Skoone bastion, one of the best preserved
baroque fortifications of Tallinn. At the beginning of the 20th century,
the bastion worked as a public garden, and during the Soviet era it was
more or less restricted recreational area for the Soviet navy with a
wooden summer theatre and a park on top. With the summer theatre having
burnt down and the Soviet troops gone, for the last 20 years the bastion
has remained a closed and neglected spot in the centre of town with
real estate controversies and several failed large-scale development
plans. In such a context, the Straw Theatre is an attempt to acknowledge
and temporarily reactivate the location, test its potential and bring
it back to use, doing all this with equally due respect to all
historical layers of the site.
The rectangular main volume of the theatre is situated exactly on the same spot as the navy summer theatre, and one descending flight of stairs of the latter is used as a covered walkway and entrance area to the Straw Theatre. The building is surrounded by various outdoor recreational functions including an oversized chess board, table tennis, swings, and a baking oven, all with a non-commercial and pleasantly low-key feel.
The dramatic appeal of
the building stems from its contextual setting on the site and its
black, uncompromisingly mute main volume contrasting with a descending
„tail“ with an articulate angular roof. And of course one cannot escape
the effect of the material – uncovered straw bales, spraypainted black.
The Straw Theatre is a unique occasion where straw has been used for a
large public building and adjusted to a refined architectural form. For
reinforcement purposes, the straw walls have been secured with trusses,
which is a type of construction previously unused. As the building is
temporary, it has not been insulated as normal straw construction would
require but has been kept open to experience the raw tactile qualities
of the material and accentuate the symbolic level of the life cycle of
this sustainable material.