*아카데미 스튜디오 [ Chyutin Architects ] Academy of Advanced Studies

외부 자연환경으로 내어준 그라운드 레벨 안으로

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여기에 더불어 상층부의 모던한 메스는 내부에 세미나실과 미팅룸 그리고

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이와 같은 드라마틱한 조형적 형태와 더불어 형이상학적인 파사드 디자인은

아카데미 빌딩을 아이텐티한 공간으로 완성시킨다.

화려한 치장보다는 기능과 외부환경을 존중하는 디자인이 좋아 보인다.

reviewed by SJ

The Polonsky Academy of Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, designed by Chyutin Architects, is part of the Van Leer Institute campus at . Situated on the cliff facing south towards the Theater, its northern side faces the main garden court which will function as the heart of the campus in the new master plan. This court has two levels, with a one storey differential between them which makes it possible to create two entrances to the structure on different levels: main entrance near the Van Leer Institute and secondary entrance near the Council for Higher Education. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Architects: Chyutin Architects
Location: Jerusalem,
Designers: Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Jacques Dahan, Ethel Rosenhek, Joseph Perez
Total Storeys: 4
Floor Area: 7300 sq. m.
Design / Completion Date: 2013

The low horizontal appearance of the Polonsky Academy building fits in with the dimensions and design characteristics of the existing buildings with their closed stone fronts to the city and glass fronts facing the open inner garden. Other building materials to be used are exposed concrete and wood slats. The design of the building elevation is keeping with the modernistic spirit of the existing buildings.

The design contains three functions: its main activity is the Polonsky Institute for Research, to which are added the central cafeteria and the central library. Its all-campus utility emphasizes the future centrality of the building on the campus. Adjacent to the building will be the burrowed auditorium, to be constructed at a later stage.

The two upper stories of the building are intended for research activity and include rooms for researchers, seminars and other meeting spaces for the research population that are open onto and are lighted from internal courts. The lower research floor is the main entrance to the building from the direction of the Van Leer Institute and it includes an exhibition gallery facing the Main Garden court. The floor below is entered through the lower level of the Main Garden Court and it includes a conference room, a lecture hall and the upper level of the library and the cafeteria which is facing the main garden.

The descending sloping topographical conditions on the south side of the building make it possible to situate the library which faces the internal garden adjacent and from which the city can be seen from afar. Similarly, the adjacent auditorium lobby also faces the garden of the ascending Terrace Pass and the city view from afar. By opening the lobby onto the urban part it is possible to use it for external purposes, independent of the Institute’s activities.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY