*예루살램 락마운틴 하우스 [ Paritzki & Liani Architects ] Barud House

클리어 글래스 넘어 보이는 자연적인 암석은 집안내부로
깊숙히 자연을 끌어 들이며 또다른 자연을 연출시킨다.
이스라엘 락마운틴에 위치한 바루드 하우스는 자연과 인간이 만들어 내는
공간에 대한 관계를 새로운 시각에서 접근한다.
깍아지는 듯한 암석과 병렬로 배치한 L자 형태의 집은
1층에는 거실을 2층에는 개별적인 3개의 방을 계획한
2개층 구조로 1층과 2층이 각기 다르게 자연과 만나도록 계획되었다.
특히 1층에 위치한 거실은 후면으로는 깍아지는 암석, 그리고
전면으로 펼쳐지는 파노라마뷰(예루살램의 종교가 빚어 놓은 신성한 건축물들의 향연)의
상이한 두개의 외부환경을 내부로 유입시키며 색다른 동시성을 이룬다.
여기에 이스라엘 스톤으로 마감처리된 외피는 후면의 암석과
묘한 대비를 이루면서 색다른 긴장감을 유발시킨다.
외부자연과 건축공간과의 묘한 긴장감은 공간의 깊이와
너비를 확장하며 바루드 하우스 만의 아이텐티를 부여한다.

reviewed by SJ

A bare cliff face is visible through the abutting glass walls of a Jerusalem house.

The two-storey house was recently completed by architects Paritzki & Liani,

who are based in Tel Aviv.

The L-shaped ground floor of the house is positioned beside the rock face

whilst the top floor tunnels into it.

The building has a chequered white facade of Jerusalem stone that is exposed

on both the exterior and interior walls.

The residence is named Barud House, after the traditional Israeli warning

call for an imminent mountain explosion.

Barud House by Paritzki & Liani Architects

Barud – a warning call shouted by construction workers

before exploding the rock mountain in Jerusalem.

It is superfluous to emphasize that, from our very first visit to the site,

impressed by a pink Cyclamen growing out of the rocky face,

we decided to allow ourselves to be guided by the raw state of the terrain.

Our treatment of the site emerged from this stabilitas loci, which we subdivided into three main themes:

Jerusalem, a city of rock and stone; wide aerial views;

and the sacred architecture of multiple religions intersecting in the skyline.

These images composed the texture and backdrop for the project.

The house is positioned accordant to the mountain by constructing its first floor as

an L-shape juxtaposed to an exposed rock wall. The living space, screened

by glass mediates between a view of the minimal and pure geometric form

of the rock on one side, and the landscape panorama on the other.

The two upper volumes, in contrast, project from the landscape,

they converge with the rock forming a tunnel. The passageway leads from +6 metres

at the top of the site, down to a subterranean room at +3 metres,

descending further, to a sequestered subsidiary entrance.

Whether from the road, or a path which curls between the drywalls and cypress trees of

a nearby property, the house appears a woven surface, even a bas-relief.

The effect is composed by alternating 2cm projections of 53 x 25 cm modules of Jerusalem stone.

The patterned surface establishes a powerful relationship between the building and

the variations in light conditions throughout the day, and the passing seasons.

The composition of natural contours, the mountain,

and the house draws out a near serigraphic effect between the constructed and natural landscapes.

If on the outside the chiaroscuro pattern seems screen-printed, the building’s interior allows light to
 penetrate its volumes, accentuating depth. Daily life in the house runs parallel to the exposed rock,
separated by only a slender gap, or wadi: a tribute to the winter rain and snow.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY