*바르셀로나 이중외피 커튼월 빌딩 [ b720 Arquitectos ] Indra Corporate Building

공간에 아이텐티를 갖기 위한 파사드 디자인은
그 목표를 심미적 효과 뿐만 아니라 정확한 목표를 가진
기능을 수반해야 한다.
미스반데로우에의 시그램 빌딩에서 시작되는 커튼월 공법은 타워형 빌딩에서
주로 사용되는 기법으로 대부분의 도심지의 건물을 이와같은 방식으로 만들어 놓았다.
필수불가결하게 사용되는 유리는 건축재료 중 가장 아이러니한 재료로써
내외부 공간의 소통을 위한 장치로 사용되지만, 낮은 단열계수와 외부의 빛에너지를
여과없이 투과시켜 내부공간의 열효율에 상당히 불리한 위치를 차지하고 있다.
여기 바르셀로나 섹터 22구역에 새롭게 리뉴얼된 인드라 코포레이트 빌딩은
적절한 이중외피 시스템의 사용으로
외부로 유입되는 광량의 50% 이상을 차단함으로써
효율적인 측면에서 좋은 반응을 보이고 있다.
또한 빌딩의 아이텐티를 부가 시키는 펀칭메탈은
마치 자유낙하하는 폭포수와 같은 늬앙스를 풍기며
전체 빌딩의 파사드를 디자인하는 요소로 사용되었다.
이와 같은 외피 디자인은 기능과 디자인이라는 두마리 토끼를
한꺼번에 잡음으로써 기 효용성이 크다 하겠다.

reviewed by SJ

An office building on a trapezoidal site which forms part of the actions for sector 22@ in Barcelona. The 22@ project is transforming two hundred hectares of industrial land of Poblenou. This is an initiative of urban renewal and transformation in the city of Barcelona, where many important companies are fixing their headquarters.

The slender office tower for the enterprise information technology Indra is located there, with a total height of fifty-two meters and a minimum width of only fourteen meters. The total built surface area is 10,375 m2 and it consists of a ground floor plus 12 more floors.
The headquarters is located in a solar trapezoidal appreciably plane and its floor is rectangular, exceptionally interrupted by the corner of the intersection of streets. The floors located above grade are devoted to offices, and those below grade to parking for 40 vehicles and service rooms for private use. The proposal is for a tower rising above a more solid and compact three-storey plinth, aligned with Carrer Tànger. The tower section, with a rhomboid floor plan, follows the line of the chamfered corner, without slavishly reproducing it, to reinforce the slender complexity of the resulting volume. Its ten storeys are separated from the plinth by a service floor, recessed with respect to the plane of the facade, so that it seems to float above the base, lending it lightness.
On the ground floor is located the main entrance and the lobby of the building, which is accessed from the corner. The vertical structure consists of a core pillars shielded and which lies at the heart of the plant, trimming back the facade of the building. This nucleus which houses communications vertical building stabilizes horizontal forces of wind and controls the natural effect of overturning the sheer volume built.
The facade is made with a glass curtain wall of panels 1.30 meters that allow the vision or opaque it depending on the areas located immediately behind. The inside glass skin is housed within the curtain wall of anodized aluminum profiles. These profiles are reduced and the panels are limited to a single sheet metal in its wake in front of the screen walls of concrete and maintain, thus, the same distance to the external front. Towards the outside, this is closed with a second skin of glass glued on the aluminum frame construction only in areas of vision. Moreover, in some areas, the glass was replaced by lamellaes, also glass, allowing ventilation of the premises interior. In recease that leads to the main entrance, facade panels have a special outer surface of stainless steel. The technical plant, in the fourth level, presents an open enclosure of metal slats to allow ventilation combined with internal opaque parts.
The external skin of the facade is made up of panels of stainless steel metal fabric that act as perimetral solar protection (with a shade coefficient of 50%) for the interior of the building as well as contributing to the overall lightness of appearance. A quarter of these panels have a 90 cm diameter spherical impression created by drawing. These are located in two positions on the height of the panel, and alternately face inwards and outwards .It is an economical but effective way of reducing the amount of radiationincident on the facade without sacrificing large transparent glass facades. It is the result of research into ways of contemporary architectural decoration that serves to reinforce the corporate identity of the company (Indra’s logo consists of lots of circumferences).
This being a corporate building, diaphanous floors are proposed, although the possibility has been considered that in the future they could be divided up into several units.

from  architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY