*보이드 앤 솔리드 파사드 [ Atelier Thomas Pucher ] NIK Office Building, Graz_Austria

시간을 영속시키는 방법에는 여러가지가 있다.
그중에서도 우리의 삶이 투영되어 있는 공간을 지속시키는 일은
어떠한 방법 보다 중요하다.
오스트리아의 뮤르 리버에 위치한 이곳은 예전에 보트하우스로 그 이후에는 창고로
사용되었다. 그리고 지금은 그 자리에 오피스가 새롭게 리노베이션 되었다.
기존의 벽식구조에 수직으로 덧붙여진 2.5배의 공간은 기존공간을 영속시키기 위해
경량 철골구조로 계획되었으며 일부분의 구조벽을 덜어내어
외부 파사드에 리드믹컬한 패턴을 만들어 내었다.
투명한 볼륨과 솔리드 볼륨의 연속된 반복은 단순하지만
조각예술과 같은 심미적 아름다움을 준다.
여기에는 도시적 컨텍스트를 읽어 같이 호흡할 수 있도록
의도된 건축가의 디자인 어휘가 있기 때문이다.
(사용자의 의도에 따라솔리드 공간에는 사용자의
휴식공간 그리고 문서보관소가 설치되었다.)

reviewed by SJ

Nikolaiplatz as it stands today was a process of conversional development which took its shape over a period of time. While the architectural style (as well as the desired building density) changed, the site layout remained stably constant.

The building stands on a property, which was initially a boathouse at the river` Mur´ (back then an unregulated river course ) four centuries ago. Later a doubled story storage shed was built and even later -in the 80′s the entire area was rebuilt to an underground parking. The storage shed was discontinued, however the property remained in its exact size and position. In order to make a subsequent building possible the construction of the garage within the range of property was laid out for a double story land development in a solid construction.

Location: Graz, Austria
Type: Offices
Architects: Atelier Thomas Pucher / www.thomaspucher.com – Bramberger Architects / www.bramberger-architects.at
Design Team: Thomas Pucher, Alfred Bramberger, Martin Mathy, Hans Waldhör, Ingmar Zwirn, David Klemmer, Christof Schermann, Boris Murnig, Sahar Arjomand Bigdely.
Area: 1.400 m² GFA
Building costs: 1 Million Euro
Main Materials: Aluminum, Metal, Glass, Steel
Photographer: Andreas Buchberger – Vienna, Austria

Today our building stands on the property – and fills it perfectly to the last millimeter, the number of floors increased by 2,5 times. This became possible by creating a consistent lightweight construction with a complex rust distributor under the building. This distributes – today invisible – the concentrated loads of steel frame bearings which support the underground parking and which are distributed differently on the area.

The clear volume and elegant development reacts precisely to the heterogeneous situation concerning city planning which we came across. On the one side – towards Entenplatz- the house becomes a boundary of space, on the other side – towards Nikolaiplatz – depicts a free standing aesthetic solitaire. A building, which becomes a sculpture through its simplicity .

The closed facade components – externally covered with a silver gold resplendent cover coating – accommodate shelves and archives ( depending upon the users desire ) on the inside and become variable thick blocks.

from  architecturelab


Designed by JB FACTORY