* 소방서 [ Luís Banazol ] Fire Station

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reviewed by SJ

The design for the fire station in Porto Santo, Madeira, by Luis Banazol arises from the dialectic of reflection, at the same time simple and strong, between the artificiality of the urban and the organic naturalness. As a concept of development, we tried to integrate the building with the involving, creating an element in sober, contemporary yet functional and appropriate to their function. More image and architects’ description after the break.

This study was designed with the objective of alignment and articulation of different spaces and technical requirements pertaining to each function and functional space, in order to maximize the best “performance” and description of them. Any linkage between the technical and technological characteristics of the complex proved successful, both at the joint functional / programmatic as well as the exact location of the technical areas that safeguard the proper performance of all infrastructure and services.

The sizing of the various compartments took into account the ecommendations of the National Fire Service. The space requirements are a reflection on the one hand usage levels, and secondly the use efficiency, thus can not be considered as absolute, but as mere recommendations. The land, approximately 3790m2, has an irregular geometry with a small slope. The land directly abouts the west with the road, formal orientation of the building.

The building is characterized by a mixed structure, metal and concrete, making it more efficient at the construction level. The idea to share, wich we think was achieved, is an involved conjunct and part of the morphology of the local, featuring a lightweight form and detached from the soil in much of its implementation, thus making “access” to its inside / outside valences involved in a building with these characteristics.

It is essential to combine the conceptual image to an adequate functional program and properly articulated. For this to work there was the premise of solving access and circulation. The main entrance to the building will be made from the Industrial Park Road. The building will be organized on two floors + basement with interior gaps, as requested in the program.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY