*사마미시 도서관 [ Perkins+Will ] Sammamish Library

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아이들과 청소년들을 위한 열람실 그리고 메인 열람실 등
연령 및 특성에 따라 특색있게 구분되어 있는 내부 실배치는
외피를 감싸고 있는 투명한 커튼월을 통하여 외부로 투영된다.
특히 열람실 서측에 위치한 투명한 파사드는 자연경관과
시애틀의 스카이라인을 내부로 유입시키며 파노라마 뷰를 형성한다.
그리고 키즈존 동측 파사드를 통하여서는 내부 중정의 자연스러운
식생을 통하여 자연과 교감 할 수 있는 공간을 제공한다.
이와 같이 투명한 파사드는 그라운드 레벨을 훼손 시키지 않고
지하로 주차장을 형성시키는 등 다양한 방면에서 자연을 그대로
존중하고 디자인에 적극적으로 반영하는 결과로 만들어진 중요한 컨텐츠이다.
자연과의 조우는 단지 투명한 파사드를 디자인 한다고 되는 것이 아니라
외부 자연환경의 정확한 분석과 이해를 바탕으로
이루어지는 계획이 필요한 것이다.

reviewed by SJ

To accommodate the growing city of Sammamish, the Sammamish Library relocated to a larger site to build a new facility within the Sammamish Commons. The new building is sited immediately to the south of the Civic Plaza edge. Large expanses of glazing and programmatic elements such as the meeting room, cyber bar and teen area overlook the plaza. A plaza seat wall and landscaped zone greet visitors.

The library’s main reading and stack area contains skylights and clerestories of both translucent and clear vision glazing to reduce the need for artificial lighting and create a warm and inviting space. This main space terminates in a great reading room concept that draws people to the glazed edge with views to the west overlooking the nature preserve, Olympic Peninsula and Seattle skyline. A gas fireplace in a concrete finish and glass enclosure provides a central gathering point in this great reading room. Wood elements mark a progression through the library and include the entry lobby signature wall, meeting room walls and ceiling and lower column enclosures in the primary reading room. The children’s area overlooks the new eastern lawn, which includes a reflexology path, native plantings and a grove of birch trees.

Sustainable design practices have been a top priority in the development of the site and the building. In order to reduce the impervious surface on the site, parking is located under the building with an elevator to access the library floor. In addition, the library’s lower roof is planted with low maintenance, native sedum to reduce water runoff. Water runoff from the exposed parking area is infiltrated into the site through pervious surface parking and an on-site rain garden. The new library features a highly insulated and efficient building envelope designed to reduce heat gain and loss while maximizing passive solar gain and daylighting. The primary cooling and heating for the building is through a radiant slab with a mechanically assisted ventilation system.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY