*스페인 요트 클럽 하우스 [ Fuses i Viader ] Sant Feliu Yacht Club

자연과 건축이 만날때 우리가 가장 먼저 고려해야 할 것은 무엇인가?
요트클럽을 계획시 건축가의 가장 주된 관심사는
인공적인 공간-건축행위-이 더이상 자연을 훼손하지 않으며,
자연 그대로의 모습을 유지하는가였다.
자연적인 지형의 흐름을 따라 설계된 요트클럽은
해안가에 위치한 부두와 대지를 연결하는 저층부-자연적인 석축으로
대지를 연결하는 지형적 공간-와 공중으로 부유하는 듯한 상층부의 클럽하우스로 나뉜다.
특히 지상으로 부터 10미터 이상 설치된 상층부의 투명한 메스는
해안가를 조망 할 수 있는 뷰포인트를 확보하는 동시에 클럽하우스의
기능을 수반하며 공간을 다방면으로 연결한다.
이와 같은 프로그램을 수행하기 위한 상부층의 레스토랑과 야외 테라스는
요트클럽을 찾는 이용자들에게 커뮤니티 스페이스를 제공하는 것은 물론
지역주민들의 커뮤니티까지 영역을 확장한다.

일련의 클럽하우스는 특정 소수인들을 위한 공간으로 활용되는 경우가 많다.
특히 골프-우리나라에서는 아직 고급레저 활동으로 분류되며
운동이 갖는 본래의 운동성이 아닌 정치적인 활동이나 친목교류에
수단으로 많이 사용되는 운동-를 위한 시설들은 주변 거주민 또는 기타
사람들과의 호흡을 같이 하지 않는다. 다만 그들이 원하는 것은
더욱더 심화된 폐쇄적 바운더리로 다른 기타 인원들이
들어오는 것을 경계하는 하여 그들만의 울타리를 만드는 것이다.
이러한 이분법적 공간은 자연과 공간을 떨어뜨리며
유리온실 안의 화초와 같은 인위적인 자연을 형성한다.
-저 넓은 푸른 잔디밭이 누구를 위한 자연인가? 그 잔디를 유지하기 위한
농약은 어디로 흘러가서 누구의 식수를 오염시키는가...-
분명 요트클럽 하우스도 많은 이들이 찾는 퍼블릭 스페이스가 되지는 못할 것이다.
하지만 자연을 존중한 만큼 많은 이들에게 열려 있는 공간일거란 생각은 든다.

reviewed by SJ

Our proposal is the result of attentive observation of the privileged scenic conditions of the site. We believe that the new Yacht Club has to solve, above and beyond the required functional programme, two aspects that we consider basic:

1. To restore the site to its “natural” condition prior to the implantation of the mediocre and badly-located constructions existing there now. This involves exploiting to the full the views of the strikingly beautiful natural rock and the stone walls that accompany it.

Architects: Fuses i Viader
Location: Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Girona,
Project: 2005
Completion: 2009
Construction firm: COPAYBA 2000 S.L.
Structure: Blázquez-Guanter
Collaborators: Carla Arruebo, Pilar Arbonés, Dolors Bosch, Silvina Mayer, Josep Ribes, Jordi Serra
Photographs: Duccio Malagamba

2. To order the movements of pedestrians all around the sector. This intersection will unite all the works included in the Special Plan, once they are completed: the circulation between the boats and the club; the circulation from the new commercial zone to the breakwater; and finally the scenic circulation between the breakwater, the lower areas of the harbour and the new shore walk. Consequently, the new building should encourage and enable these three circulatory flows present in the zone.

In addition, we believe that the new arrangement has to take into account the existence of the upper platform, situated at level +10.70 m, a flat, clean space with exceptional views, quite the opposite to the current ground and first floors, located around level +4 – 5 m and with ground-level views. These 6 metres of difference (two storeys) are significant enough to provide splendid panoramic views over the harbour and the town of Sant Feliu in a westerly direction, and also to enjoy the fascinating rocky landscape located behind the esplanade, towards the sea.

On the basis of these premises, we propose a building that is split into two parts, located at levels 3.80 and 10.50 respectively. It is not a compact, self-enclosed building as the rules of the tender seemed to request, but one with a freer layout which, respecting the scenic surroundings, seeks a dialogue with them while solving the problematic meeting between the wharf and the beginning of the adjacent cliffs. With the separation of the two levels, then, we seek to make the new building “disappear.”

The lower part comes to form part of the system of concrete platforms of the wharf itself, and prolongs it to connect with the new shore walk. A large longitudinal opening beneath a concrete structure functionally separates and privatises the entrance to the club and the harbour services with regard to the entrance square and at the same time contributes to disguising its volumetric presence.

The upper part, resting on a base of reddish rock similar to that of the existing walls, is integrated into the surrounding landscape as if it were one more of the cliffs, with only the continuous line of windows protruding from it to provide views from the Club’s social hall and restaurant to the harbour and the town. The placing of the social hall and restaurant and terraces on this level, in addition to allowing these exceptional views, also provides an opening-out towards the large closed space that is formed by the existing platform and makes it possible to organise, as specified in the rules, an exceptional space adjoining the Club, with the rocks as a backdrop. To close this space, a small pine grove is established beside the upper entrance to the club.

The two floors are connected by a continuous stairway of four flights, which, descending from the social hall following the existing walls, gives direct views over the wharf and the open sea, and also by a panoramic exterior lift that connects the reception with the bar and restaurant.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY