건축가의 초기의도처럼 빛과 공간 그리고 이것들을 자유롭게
만지고 즐길 수 있는 디자인의 답이 미마하우스에 펼쳐져 있다.
쉽게 떼어었다가 붙일 수 있는 가변식 벽은
내부 공간을 무한히 확장하기도 하고 필요에 따라 나누어
쓰임새 좋게 사용한다.
이러한 유연성으로 부터 시작된 공간은 소프트하며 가볍다.
기계장치의 힘을 빌리지 않고 사용자 스스로가 벽을 이동시켜
공간을 분할하고 합치는 과정은 건축가의 손길이후 멈추어버린
공간의 시간바늘을 다시금 돌아가게 만든다.
유닛단위로 디자인하여 모바일 하우스로 시도하면 좋을 것 같다.
장소의 특성에 따라 프로그램에 따라 사용자가 원하는대로
변형시켜 사용하면 좋을 것 같다.
여기에 물론 가격적인 부담은 없어야 할 것이다.
reviewed by SJ
MIMA initiated their concept by trying to create an architectural ideology for the quick life changes & ambitions of the well-informed whilst presenting an ever present exigent society. The outcome was a success resulting in a dream. A house with bright open spaces, which light as a feather is designed predominantly by you. The process created by MIMA from beginning to end is what drew our attention. Simple, fast, from it’s initiation, to completion, is base on the 100% knowledge of your final project. Something akin to having a personal architect with a sense of door to door service. Once you mail them the site where you wish to build your residence, a full 3D visualization is sent to you showing the best architectural approach, then the glazing & partition percentage is selected and your house is packaged and delivered on site.
MIMA’s biggest challenge was to find a way to put together a single a fast produced, flexible, light and cheap yet good quality product, wrapped up in a pleasant clean design. The outcome is just that. This in turn follows the traditional Japanese aesthetic for pleasing lines and clarity where dwellings offer a perfect design style based on each and everyone’s individuals standards with a cost amounting to that of a mid range car. This is achieved by the use of prefabricated construction methods post - and – beam, which can be precisely put together almost like pieces of a puzzle. This is completely glazed on all sides, subdivided by modular 1.5m x 3m wooden frames. MIMA houses come with additional plywood panels, which can be placed, on the inside and the outside of the building, for the replacement of any window by a wall in a matter of seconds.
The whole interior layout can be redesigned in a matter of minutes,
by simply creating new partitions to close up an open space when
company comes and goes, or changing the panels around with colour
options on the reverse for a change of ambience. In a generation were
the hip and trendy have a life expectancy of six months, anything new is
considered old in a matter of days and our style is always up for
discussion so therefore the absolute same is expected for our
residences. Through this concept, everyone’s needs are met retaining a
very strong element, which we call a design space.
has taken simplicity, form, shape, essence and modularity in order to
create a create a house that reflects the current needs of all those who
do not settle for less. Engaging with your structure and changing the
design of your house as often as you change your clothes is something
that makes perfect sense. The fact that it can now be achieved in
combination with great design is something that makes us MIMA crazy.
from yatzer
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