* 징크 커브볼륨 오피스 [ Conix Architects ] Umicore Hoboken

사이트가 가지고 있는 에너지수직의 켜를 이용하여 함축적으로 쌓아 올린
빌딩의 곡선은 다이나믹한 볼륨으로 구체화된다.
새로운 심미적 탐구에서 발현된 아이텐티가 아닌 대지가 가지고 있는
문제점과 핫이슈적층하여 수직의 켜로 분할 적층하면서 이것을 다시
기능적인 동선공간으로 풀어내는 공간적 해석능력은 징크판넬이
각 층을 이루는 곡선과 수평켜의 아이텐티 만큼
건축물의 아이텐티를 확실하게 부각시킨다.
이렇게 수직으로 분할된 프로그램은 각각의 오피스 존과
스크린 존 그리고 그린지역으로 분할되며 각 공간마다의
아이텐티를 분명히 한다.

벽과 바닥과 지붕의 경계가 사라지는 디자인코드는
모던건축의 패러다임에서 진일보된 건축양식을 보여준다.
하지만 우려되는 것은 이와같은 볼륨의 형태를 단순히 심미적인
창작에서만 평가하는 것이다. 우리가 봐야하는 것은 굽이 굽이 치는
징크판넬의 커브볼륨이 아니라 커브와 각 공간이 관계를 맺는
관계성에 주목해야 한다.

reviewed by SJ

A giant zinc-plated ribbon folds in and out between the floors of this Antwerp office extension for metal refiner Umicore.

Belgian firm Conix Architects completed the extension in 2009, which provides

an entrance to the company’s nine-storey-high industrial plant.

The facade of the building is glazed between the strips of curved metal.

The lowest folds of the ribbon shelter the ground floor lobby and create

the sloped floor of a lecture room above.

Master plan of an industrial site and office building, Hoboken (near Antwerp)

The company plant of Umicore, south of the Antwerp agglomerate, is part of a larger industrial park.

The site is a city in itself but lacks structural cohesion and coherence.

Conix Architects had to structure this complex site to promote

a new corporate identity. In order to integrate the plant better into

its surroundings and generate an improved feeling on the whole, reconversion was considered.

Conix Architects developed a strategy which creates a new and more accessible identity for the company.

The strengths and weaknesses of the terrain were determined.

Based on this, Conix Architects drew up a master plan, including the problem areas and particular issues.

The master plan points out the complexity and diversity of the necessary actions.

Consequently, the perception and emotions of future visitors and employees are also considered.

The functionality and flow of logistical activities are revised and modified, where needed.

Multiple spatial changes are made: adding a compact tower building with offices, screens, green areas,

billboards, signage and route descriptions and the renovation of a number of important industrial buildings.

The new office building is the eye-catcher, encapsulating and generating the company’s new corporate identity.

It offers a place to stop on the main axis which runs through the entire site.

By narrowing and shaping the street profile, the idea of an entry area is created, an element that was lacking.

The office building is unrestrained in design in contrast to the monotonous and randomly selected surroundings.

The design draws one’s attention, in an emotional response, counter to the existing rational background.

By positioning the building at a slight angle, the axis of the central entry road is broken.

The powerful look and feel creates an innovative image, thus modernizing the company.

Umicore is ready to face the 21st century as a dynamic and innovating company.

Project name: Umicore Hoboken
Project description: Master plan of an industrial site + extension and new interior design for office building
Client: Umicore Precious Metals Refining Hoboken nv
Site: A. Greinerstraat, 2660 Hoboken

Design submission date: December 2005
Start of construction: September 2007
Delivery date: June 2009
Surface area: 110 ha masterplanning, 2.300 m² new construction, 6.900 m² renovation

Structural Engineer: Ney & Partners nv
Services Engineer: Technobel NV
Safety coordinator: Jean Michaux
Landscape architect: Studiebureel Stockmans nv
Main contractor: Strabag
EPB coordinator: Gebotec
Control officer: Seco

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY