*호주 얄룸바 와인너리 리뉴얼 [ Grieve Gillett ] Yalumba Winery – Signature Cellars

호주의 유명한 와인제조회사 얄룸바 와인너리 리뉴얼 프로젝트입니다.
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회사가 나아갈 비전을 담는 장소가 됩니다.
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유틸리티 시설로 구성됩니다.
건축가의 가장 큰 고민은 건축주의 바램처럼 역사와 전통을 보존 계승하는
공간을 재구성하는 것이었습니다.이것은 얄룸바의 회사 모토와도 일치됩니다.

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트랜스보를 설치하여 내부 공간을 플렉시블하게 재구성합니다.
여기에 기존 콘크리트 벽이 가지고 있는 시간적 물성을 보존합니다.
이말은 시간 속에 놓여진 재료가 이전의 물성에서 변화하여
그 공간이나 장소에 알맞는 물성으로 변화하는 것을 뜻합니다.
이렇게 무르익은 재료는 새로운 재료에서는 찾을 수 없는
특별한 무엇가가 있습니다.
이와같은 배경으로 재해석된 대형식당과 와인감별실 그리고
주방과 기타 유틸리티 시설은 얄룸바의 시간을 존중하는 공간으로 재구성됩니다.
이렇게 남겨진 이전의 공간들은 현대적인 공간을 위한 최소한의
디자인과 결부되면서 공간적 깊이를 뿜어냅니다.
분명한 것은 빈티지는 유행되는 것이 아닙니다. 우리 일상생활에 숨겨져 있는
과거라고 부르는 산물에 대한 존중입니다. 그리고 정확한 이해를 바탕으로 하는
일련의 재해석 과정입니다. 유행을 쫓지 말고 지금 당장의 공간을 이해하는게 중요합니다.

reviewed by SJ

Yalumba is Australia’s oldest and most successful family owned winery. The company’s success is driven by tradition and innovation.

To mark Yalumba’s 160th year, Grieve Gillett were commissioned to design a flagship dining and wine tasting area for important clients and associates, within the fabric of the original State Heritage listed Main Administration Building at Angaston.
The following principles guided the project: retention and celebration of existing heritage qualities, a clear distinction between existing fabric and new work and recognition of Yalumba’s ethos of tradition and innovation.

The new facilities comprise the renovation of the subterranean ‘Signature Cellar’, providing a clear span function area; and the conversion of underground concrete wine tanks into private dining and wine tasting rooms, with new kitchen & service areas.

Architect: Grieve Gillett
Location: Tanunda,
Client: Yalumba Winery
Project Year: 2009
Photographs: Courtesy of Grieve Gillett

The Signature Cellar was stripped of extraneous elements and the concrete floor re-finished. A central row of columns was removed and a transfer beam introduced, allowing greater flexibility in the use of the space. The transfer structure was incorporated into a new barrel racking system displaying the collection of ‘Signature’ barrels. Discreet lighting was provided – concealed between exposed timber joists and behind barrels highlighting the original rubble walls. The result is a clean, functional open space with richly textured surfaces.

Adjacent to the Signature Cellar are the former open ferment concrete winemaking tanks. The two largest tanks offered a unique opportunity for conversion to tasting and dining spaces. Grieve Gillett approached this challenge by minimising intrusions into the spaces to emphasise the beauty of the existing building fabric and spatial proportions.

Existing paraffin wax sealed concrete tank walls with wine stained patina were protected and retained. New work was designed to appear as a discreet insertion. In the Dining and Tasting rooms, ‘gondolas’ of hoop pine plywood are suspended from the tank roof. These floating elements provide a planar overhead element in the 20m long rooms, concealing light fittings, sprinklers, audio, a/c and acoustic baffling. The ribbed gondolas are open at the edge feathering the view through to the tank walls beyond.

New recycled timber floors stop short of the tank walls giving the impression of a floating floor plane. Continuous lighting concealed under the floor edge washes up the walls highlighting the textured walls.

The result is a reflective inward focused space disconnected from the outside world, where attention is concentrated on wine, food and fellowship.

Clarity of circulation drives the plan with the commercial kitchen centrally located between the Signature cellar and Dining Tanks. Level and obvious access to the Dining and Tasting tank rooms is provided by an inclined walkway, with toilets accessed at a mid landing.

As the area is ‘ground coupled’, there is little demand on the a/c system which provides predominantly fresh air. Most light fittings are standard energy efficient fluoro battens concealed behind building elements with indirect light reflected off the textured surfaces.

The celebration of existing heritage building fabric coupled with considered contemporary insertions has resulted in an appropriate, cost effective and enduring legacy for Yalumba.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY