*지그재그 잉카 퍼블릭 마켓 [ Charmaine Lay and Carles Muro ] Inca Public Market

광장을 향해 지그재그로 폴딩되어 있는 건물은
새롭게 리뉴얼되는 잉카 퍼블릭 마켓이다.
기존의 오랜된 마켓을 새롭게 리뉴얼하여 광장과 연계된
커뮤니티 스페이스는 여러개의 작은 삽들과 평의회 사무실 그리고
지하에 위치한 슈퍼마켓과 주차장으로 구성되어 있다.
여기에 루버 윈도우 디뷰저는 팀버로 구축된 우드프레임 사이로
균질한 조도를 내부로 유입시킴으로써
퍼블릭 스페이스내의 활동적인 움직임을 보장하여 준다.
화려하지 않지만 담백한 메스를 이용한
리드믹컬한 볼륨의 연속성은 아웃도어 스페이스를
인도어 스페이스로 끌어 당기는 마력을 가지고 있다.

reviewed by SJ

The zigzagging wooden roof of this market hall in Majorca snakes around a plaza and over
a car park entrance before sloping down to meet the ground.

Location: Inca (Majorca)
Client: Ajuntament d’Inca (Inca City Council)
Contractor: Dragados [first phase] / Melchor Mascaró [second phase]

Architects: Charmaine Lay, Carles Muro
Collaborators: Miquel Mariné (Project Architect)
Susana Aristoy, Juan Carlos Castro, David Domínguez, Raphaël de Montard, Alfredo Peñafiel, Gisela Planas, Anna Tantull, Ferran Vizoso
Structural engineers: GMK Associats [design stage] / BOMA (Lluís Moya, Xavier Aguiló) [site]
Services engineers: Instal·lacions Arquitectòniques (Albert Salazar, Cristian González)
Quantity surveyors: Forteza Carbonell Associats (Jordi Carbonell, Xavier Arumí)
Site surveyor: Héctor Fernández

Completed by architects Charmaine Lay and Carles Muro, the Inca Public Market and

new plaza replace an older market hall that formerly occupied the site.

The building also accommodates small shops and council offices plus an underground

supermarket and car park that are located beneath the public square.

Louvered windows diffuse daylight into the timber-framed hall, while wooden

panels clad the base of the building’s exterior.

The demolition of the old market building has offered the opportunity to rediscover

a new public space in the heart of the city of Inca, just a few metres away

from the Main Street and the Town Hall.

The proposal tries to obtain the maximum possible amount of public space

while accommodating the different requirements of a varied programme:

car park, supermarket, retail shops, council offices and public market.

A public space that aims at supporting the present and future activities of this place.

The car park and the supermarket are located underground, while the rest of the required

programme rises from the ground reaching its maximum height with the council offices.

Beginning at one end of the site, the wooden paving detaches itself from the ground

in order to cover the entrance to the car park. This wooden strip continues

as a kind of pergola that runs parallel to the street, wrapping the main public space of the square,

before transforming itself once again –unfolding into three sloped planes– to become the roof of the market.

A final horizontal stretch covers the building containing the retail spaces and the council offices.

This strip will become the main element of continuity throughout the project and reflects

upon the surface the hidden structural bays of the car park beneath.

The market is understood as a covered plaza that is continuous with the public space surrounding it.

The folds of the market roof allow for the natural light and ventilation desired

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY