*건축공간, 가상세계에서 만나기 Architectural Virtual Reality

컴퓨처의 등장과 기술의 발전은 아날로지한 우리의 삶을
디지털의 계량된 수치값으로 변화시키고 있다.
건축분야에서도 예외가 아니다. 그중에서 가상시뮬레이션은
실질적인 건축공간을 완성하기 전에 선행하여
해당공간을 검증하는 툴로써 유용하게 사용된다.
-솔직히 검증이라기 보다, 체험이라기 보다
건축주에게 효과적인 PT를 위한 수단으로 전락한 경우가 태반이다.-

건축가 세바스찬의 우드스탁 트리는 자연과 건축공간이 만나
이루어 내는 깊이 있는 공간감을 가상시뮬레이션에서도 효과적으로 보여주고 있다.

reviewed by SJ

Last year we posted a video that architect Sebastian Mariscal shared with us; a cinematic architectural rendering that takes viewers on a virtual tour of a project he designed in Woodstock, New York. You can see it here (and check out his other videos here). I recently found my way back to that post and was delighted to see all the comments my question had sparked. In response to my query—"Is video an effective presentation tool for architects?"— the flurry of responses ranged, effectively, from "hell yes" to "meh."

One Adrian Jon Miller replied: "In this design climate it has become imperative that the presentation of an idea almost be equal to the idea itself… it is hard for someone to internalize an idea from a rendering. A virtual experience that includes multiple senses helps to convey the idea in a way that just can't be overstated."
Another reader wrote: "I believe video is really the way to go. 80% of people are visually driven anyway, and video's cheap, so why not fully exploit the persuasive power of the medium?"

Others, though, felt that the combination of an empty house and the moody music was a turnoff; some wondered what would happen if the real, finished project doesn't live up to the virtual space depicted in the video... a strange new 21st century hazard, and a testament to today's powerful rendering tools.

I'm putting together a panel for Dwell on Design in June and I'd love to speak with other architects and designers about how they use new or unconventional forms of rendering and modeling... any suggestions for people I should reach out to? Please comment below!

Mariscal recently posted his latest video rendering, depicting Casa Juanita, a design-in-progress—what do you think of this latest video venture?

from dwell


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