*올세인트 아카데미, 미션스쿨 [ Nicholas Hare Architects ] All Saints’ Academy

올세인트 아카데미는 청소년의 커뮤니티와 미션스쿨을 위한
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아트리움의 캐릭터를 만드는 중요한 컨텐츠로 작용합니다.
이렇게 수직계단으로 연결되는 3개층의 컬러는 각기 다른 컬러로
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알기 쉽게 전달합니다.

젊음의 에너지가 팍팍 느껴지는 활기찬 공간들의 연속입니다.
아마도 그것은 공간이 주는 것도 있지만 이곳을 이용한 청소년들에게서
뿜어져 나오는 기가 아닐까요?

reviewed by SJ

A shiny copper chapel hovers above the entrance to this Catholic school in Gloucestershire,
England, by London studio
Nicholas Hare Architects.

The academy accommodates a secondary school and a sixth form college,

both accessed through a curved atrium with a three-storey-high glazed facade.

A winding staircase connects the ground floor reception with two overlooking galleries,

which stretch along the length of the atrium and lead to classrooms in three branching wings.

Each floor features walls painted in a different colour to help students and visitors get to know their way around.

Academies are a new kind of state-maintained but independently-run school

in the UK – check out the Zaha Hadid-designed academy in south London

that won the Stirling Prize last year.

All Saints’ Academy is a church school for the community. The academy is sponsored

by the Clifton RC Diocese and the Gloucester C of E Diocese.

It provides secondary education for 900 pupils and 250 sixth formers.

The heart of the new building is its entrance atrium. The glazed atrium forms a focus

for community activity. Its vibrant space is dominated by a sculptural stair

which links the curved galleries at each level.

The copper-clad form of the chapel stands at one end, above the entrance.

The learning resource centre, assembly hall and dining area are all reached directly from the atrium.

The galleries lead to three radiating learning wings providing most of the classroom accommodation.

Staff spaces are placed along the galleries so that they form a threshold to the more private learning wings.

At ground level large windows provide views into the wings of display areas for the celebration of students’ work.

Externally, the areas around the building provide many opportunities that encourage outdoor learning.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY