*코너를 열어 공개공지 이상의 효과를 거두다. 더블스킨 [ Ædifica ] Quartier Des Spectacles

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그렇게 내어준 자리는 궁극적으로 플러스 알파요인으로 작용하여
건축물과 거리와의 관계를 상승시켜 외부의 활동적인 에너지를
대량으로 유입시키는 효과를 가져오기 때문이죠.

공간을 조금더 길게 넓게 보았으면 좋겠습니다.

reviewed by SJ

On February 6 came the long-anticipated inauguration of the 2-22, the new flagship building of the Quartier des Spectacles designed by Ædifica and Gilles HuotArchitectes. Designed to meet LEED-NC environmental standards, this six-storey building promises to become a Montréal cultural landmark, being located at the intersection of St. Catherine St. and St. Laurent Blvd., the nerve centre of the St. Laurent Blvd. revitalization project.

In addition to its innovative double wall, what strikes you immediately about the building is its recessed, angular entrance. An echo of buildings that stood at this intersection in earlier times, this design frees up the sidewalk for the dense pedestrian traffic this area generates, particularly during festivals. The unique façade is marked by seemingly random openings in the building’s wooden envelope. The envelope is protected by a shell of transparent glass, like a second skin; the space created by superimposing these materials will be used for a variety of multimedia installations. The distribution of windows reflects the activities going on inside: the exhibition rooms in the upper levels enjoy controlled lighting, while large openings flood work environments with natural light.

Architects: Ædifica
Location: Montréal,
Completion: 2012
Photographs: Courtesy of AEdifica

Ideas of fluidity and circulation influenced the architecture and create a dialogue between the building and passers-by. In summer, a portion of the envelope retracts at the level of St. Catherine St., altering the building’s physical limits. The impression of exchange is echoed in the interior, with elements such as an opening that originates in the lobby and passes through the first three floors, the windowed mezzanine overlooking the ground floor, and a sculptural staircase, between the third and fourth floors, which occupants can choose over the elevator. These elements, central to daily activities, encourage interaction between individuals and their environment.

The building was designed as part of “Imagining-Building Montréal 2025”. The Angus Development Corporation ensured its cultural vocation by allocating 75% of the space to cultural organizations. CIBL community radio, La Vitrine, Artexte, Vox and the Regroupement des centresd’artistesautogérés du Québec also helped to design their space so it would reflect their needs. The French restaurant Le St. Cyr occupies the ground floor, while a future bar with outdoor terrace on the fifth floor will offer striking viewpoints of the surrounding area.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY