*자연과 연못을 담다, 중국에 위치한 결혼등록 센터 [ urbanus ] nanshan marriage registration center

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주변 자연환경을 투영한 외피가 비쳐진 연못의 수면
이 프로젝트의 모든 것을 말해주고 있는 듯 합니다.

reviewed by SJ

chinese architecture practice urbanus has sent us images of 'nanshan marriage registration center', a multi-storey facility in the northeastern corner of lijing park in nanshan district, shenzhen, china. seeking to provide a new identity for government buildings and institutes within the realm of built architecture, the design incorporates a reflecting pool and pavilion in the approach to secure a sense of public space to the registration facility.

client: construction bureau of nanshan district
site area: 3002.5 m2
floor area: 977.5 m2
structure: steel

design director: meng yan
project director: zhu jialin, wu wenyi, zhang zhen, fu zhuoheng, wei zhijiao
architecture designers: wang jun, yin yujun, hu zhigao, li qiang, zhang xinfeng
landscape designers: liao zhixiong, lin ting, yu xiaolan, liu jie

interior design: guoqun studio
curtain wall design: henzhen keyuan construction group co., ltd
structure / MEP: guangzhou RBS architecture engineer design associates
general contractor: shenzhen decoration and construction industrial co., ltd,
guangdong 8th construction group co., ltd

surrounded by a dense collection of tall deciduous trees, the cylindrical building comfortably inserts itself into the park in a way that respects and maintains the lushness of the site. the reflecting pool to the south creates a calm and fragile surface to the grounds, serving as an inviting meeting point for the public. a series of ramps and floating pathways dissect the water, allowing visitors to move through and experience the pool. a simple pavilion structure oriented towards the center frame the approach like a small gateway.

outfitted with a shimmering floral mesh aluminum skin, the center exhibits a level of transparency from the exterior. the interior gains from natural daylighting through floor-to-ceiling glass and is further maximized by the curved nature of the walls. focusing on the movement and circulation of the building, the layout revolves around a spiral pathway that connects facets of the registry in a sequential manner. areas give way to smaller rooms and private space in a fluid gesture, forming curvilinear partitions that organically define the layout.

circulation diagram
(1) pavilion (2) pathway (3) reception (4) stairs (5) waiting area (6) marriage certificate room (7) ramp

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY