*도시농업을 꿈꾸다, 그린하우스 트랜스포머 [ PRAUD ] The Harlem Edge

다양한 형태로 변화하는 그린하우스는 도시농업을 통하여
도시인 푸드 네트워크를 새롭게 구성합니다.
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도시농업의 커다란 숙제는 다양한 기후에 대하여 어떻게 대처할 것인가 입니다.
그린하우스 트랜스포머는 도시농업을 위하여 다양한 타입토폴로지
할렘 서측 커뮤니티 지역에 제안합니다. 이와같이 변화하는 공간은 다양한 환경에 대한
농작물의 환경을 조절함으로써 수경재배를 통한 안정적인 생산을
보장합니다. 또한 다양한 커뮤니티 공간으로써
활동적인 레크레이션과 도시농업에 대한 세미나 그리고
다양한 이벤트를 진행 할 수 있는 공간으로도 활용됩니다.

reviewed by SJ

Project Description from the Architects:

The Greenhouse Transformer is a typology for urban farming with the purpose of creating environments for learning year round within the community of West Harlem. The main goal is to integrate life cycle components of food production into a building that is also a catalyst for activity in the area and allows visitors to engage in the program in a more efficient way.
To achieve this goal, we introduced a transforming system that can provide various environments as nature. One of the things that restricts farming in a city the most is climate condition. Unlike in a farm land where developed irrigation systems are, urban farming should stricktly depend on natural climate conditions. Together with mechanical means, the system allows different types of climate so that climate conditions for urban farming can be more controlled.

Project Details:

Project: Emerging New York Architects Competition 2012 (The Harlem Edge; Cultivating Connetions)
Result: Honorable Mention
Year: 2012
Team: PRAUD (Rafael Luna, Dongwoo Yim)
Area: 2,475 m2

Food Production:
The building allows for year round farming through hydroponics, greenhouse transformation, and exterior farming.

The building provides spaces for teaching and learning about urban farming in a direct matter, where people interested can see the process first hand.

Processing and distribution:
Goods grown in the farms can be collected and sold to raise funds for the Learning program.

During summer months, the open deck plaza allows for farmer’s markets, where the products can be sold, and used by local food vendors.

The building itself provides new settings that demonstrate different environments and settings for social mixing, and creates new recreational activities for the community.

from  bustler


Designed by JB FACTORY