*스타벅스 인 암스테르담 Starbucks ‘The Bank’ Concept Store in Amsterdam

새로운 매뉴얼 디자인인가? 아니면 컨셉디자인인가?
암스테르담에 새롭게 문을 연 스타벅스는 기존 스타벅스의 매장분위기와 확연히 다른
로컬디자인의 특색을 보여줍니다.
-며칠전에 겐조쿠마가 일본 후쿠오카에 설계했던 포스팅이 생각나네요.
각 나라별로 스페셜 아이템으로 매장을 만드는 걸까요?-
시애틀, 뉴욕, 런던, 파리, 그리고 암스테르담에서 동시다발적으로 시작되는
로컬디자인 프로젝트 중 암스테르담은  '느림'을 주제로 하는 프로젝트 입니다.

커피의 역사와 전통 그리고 현대적 디자인의 매치를 주제로 한 인테리어 디자인은
편안하면서도 빈티지 스러움이 가득 묻어 납니다.
기존 콘크리트 면을 이용한 내츄럴함, 1920년대의 마블 플로어,
앤티끄 델프트 타일 등 이전부터 사용해 오던 재료들의 재구성과
우리 삶에 너무나도 친숙하면서도 친환경적인 목재의 사용은
스타벅스 내부를 안락하며 커피향 가득한 공간으로 탈바꿈 시키고 있습니다.
특히 긴 테이블 상부 위 천장에 매달린 1876개의 우드블록은
공간의 유니크함을 돋보이게 해주는 장치적 요소로 사용됩니다.

우리나라 스타벅스 매장에도 이와같은 독특한 캐릭터를 갖는
프로젝트가 진행될까요?

reviewed by SJ

Starbucks Coffee have recently been opening special concept stores in various cities around the world. This week, their latest concept store known as “The Bank” will open in Amsterdam.


Starbucks’s New Coffee Experience ‘Laboratory’ in Amsterdam

    In a few days, (March 8), Starbucks will open a new concept store in Amsterdam. With its ‘Slow’ Coffee Theatre, hyper-local design, floating community gathering spaces and  on-site bakery, Starbucks ‘The Bank’ is a glimpse into Starbuck’s vision of the future.

    While over the last few years Starbucks has gone to great lengths to reinforce the superlative quality of its coffee and products, under the radar they’ve been re-defining the atmosphere in which we drink it. In Seattle, New York, London, Paris and now Amsterdam, Starbucks has been stealthily unveiling unique, highly individualized and local concept stores across America.


The Laboratory

    Situated in a 430 square meter (4,500 sqf) subterranean space in the vault of a historic bank on the popular Rembrandtplein, the new shop, while the latest in a string of Starbucks concept stores, is the first in the world they are openly referring to as a ‘laboratory’. A large beautiful store inspired by contemporary Dutch culture and its deep coffee tradition, The Bank was purposely created to push Starbucks beyond its comfort zone in terms of innovation and experimentation. What works in the Amsterdam store will make its way to the rest of Europe.

    Considering its well-earned progressive reputation, Amsterdam might be the perfect spot for trying out new things. Starbucks The Bank will function as a testing centre for innovative coffee brewing methods in its ‘Slow’ Coffee Theatre and offer small batch reserve coffees available nowhere else on the continent. It will also premiere Starbucks first ever Clover® brewing system in Europe, as well as feature an in-store bakery for fresh croissants in the morning and fresh cookies in the afternoon.

Repurposed hyper-local design

    As with all Starbucks concept stores, the Amsterdam shop will be a radical aesthetic departure. Under the direction of Dutch-born Liz Muller, Starbucks Concept Design director, more than 35 artists and craftsmen have kitted the subterranean space with quirky local design touches and sustainable materials. Local design details include antique Delft tiles, walls clad in bicycle inner tubes, wooden gingerbread biscuit moulds and coffee bag burlap, and a ‘tattooed’ ‘Delftware’ mural highlighting the important role 17th century Dutch traders played in exporting coffee around the world.

    And while all the design and constructions adheres to strict Leed® sustainable building guidelines to reduce the impact on the environment, the designers have gone out of their way to integrate repurposed design. In addition to reclaiming the vault’s exposed concrete and 1920s marble floor, the entire shop is kitted out in repurposed Dutch oak – the benches, the tables and the undulating ceiling relief made from 1,876 pieces of individually-cut blocks. Also a radical departure from Starbucks house style are the various types of chairs and stools, reclaimed from local schools and spruced up.

    The entire shop was designed to respect the architecture of the historic bank, but also to treat coffee as a theater. In fact, the store is constructed like a reversed theater; you can see the baristas the moment you enter the door, and as you move through the niches and platforms you never lose sight of them.

Neighbourhood hotspot

    With window seat cushions, a centrally-situated oak table and multi-level spaces that cameo as stages for local bands, poetry readings and other cultural activities, Starbucks The Bank is positioning itself as a cultural gathering spot in the middle of Amsterdam. With hundreds of people living, literally, above the shop and thousands of more within a minute’s walk, the shop will also playfully use social media to communicate relevant moments in their daily schedule. For example, the bakery will send out a tweet announcing ‘warm cookies’ the minute a batch rolls out of the oven.

    With so much locally sourced designers and stories integrated into the store, Starbucks The Bank doesn’t feel like an American coffee shop in Europe. For the Dutch, it feels very close to home.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY