*벽돌건축물 리뉴얼을 통하여 도시와 만나다 [ Project Orange ] 192 Shoreham Street

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기존의 공간에 대한 존중새로운 도시 컨텍스트
흐름을 이어가는 두가지 측면에서 시작합니다.

기존 저층부-2층 높이의 벽돌로 마감된-에는 레스토랑과 바를 계획하여
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-기존에 설치된 외부 창문은 2개층 높이로 설치되어 있어,
자연채광을 내부로 유입시키는데 유리한 조건-
여기에 추가적으로 상부에 설치되는 메탈볼륨-알루미늄 분체 도장-을
계획합니다. 이곳에는 스튜디오 오피스가 계획되어 도시 생활패턴의
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상당히 재미있는 공간적 형태와 볼륨을 보여줍니다.
저층부는 기존 산업화시대의 역사적 유물과 같은 거리와 흐름을 같이 하는 동시에
상층부는 현대적인 도시의 흐름을 이어갑니다. 그리고 그 두가지의 공간이 이종접합되면서
다이나믹한 볼륨과 공간이 형성됩니다.
생활과 시간이 반영된 공간 그리고 그 공간을 형태적으로 유지하는
건축물은 그 존재의 시간동안의 삶을 인정해 주어야 합니다.
지금도 시간을 담고 있는 공간들이 사라지고 있습니다.

reviewed by SJ

The two storeys that London architects Project Orange have added to the roof of
a redundant brick warehouse in Sheffield look like another building stacked on top.

The upward extension replaces a pitched roof, creating three duplex studio offices

within a powder-coated steel volume that both overlaps and bites through the original brick structure.

A new restaurant and bar occupies the double-height warehouse space below,

where it benefits from light through the original two-storey-high arched windows.

192 Shoreham Street is a Victorian industrial brick building sited at the edge

of the Cultural Industries Quarter Conservation Area of Sheffield.

It is not listed but considered locally significant.

The completed development seeks to rehabilitate the once redundant building, celebrate

its industrial heritage and make it relevant to its newly vibrant context.

The brief was to provide mixed use combining a desirable double height restaurant/bar within

the original shell (capitalising on the raw industrial character of the existing building)

with duplex studio office units above.

These are accommodated in an upward extension of the existing building in a contrasting

but complementary volume, a replacement for the original pitched roof.

The new extension is contemporary yet laconic in form and an abstract evocation

of the industrial roofscapes that used to dominate this part of the city.

It is parasitical in nature, engaging with the host structure in a couple of locations,

where windows bite into the existing building.

The new roof profile creates dramatic sweeping ceiling profiles in the new accommodation,

a sectional dynamism that is to be further enhanced by the use of double height volumes

in the duplex units created.

The proposal is intended to enhance the existing building and create a striking landmark

on the inner ring road; a symbol both of the area’s past and its aspirations for the future.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY