*단파론, 와이 하우스와 만나다 [ wise architecture ] y-house

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분명 장단이 있고, 양날이 있는 프로젝트 입니다.
하지만 여러분의 눈에 비추어지는 몇가지 팩트만을 가지고
정의 내리기엔 아직 더 봐야 할 것이 많은 프로젝트 인 것 같습니다.

reviewed by SJ

korean practice wise architecture has re-envisioned the typical multiplex with 'y-house', a residential block with units for multiple families in seoul, korea. an irregular plot derived the angled footprint and folded roof while maintaining views towards the south. the architects focused the design upon its future inhabitants rather than producing a structure which has resulted merely from 2-dimensional drawings and economy-driven decisions to maximize gross area.
instead the building emerged from spatial studies to produce a 3-dimensional experience with an emphasis upon economic volume. traditional windows within the translucent polycarbonate facade generate the feeling of a larger interior by minimizing the solid enclosure.

the site's unusual shape forms a sheltered public room at ground level. accessible to passersby, the area offers a seating area along a garden with trees and vegetation which are planted and tendered by dwellers. above the space, lofted apartments are placed along the northern side of the building due to the possibility for wasted floor space. a low wooden table offers an outdoor surface to work or relax.

design: wise architecture
project team: youngchul jang, sookhee chun, cindy moon
location: 652 geumho-dong 2-ga, seongdong-gu, seoul, korea
zoning district: residential area
site area: 310m2
building area: 176m2
gross floor area: 785m2
program: multi-family housing
building scope: b1 ~ 4f
structure: reinforced concrete structure
finishing: color metal panel cladding, switec polycarbonate bdl system
construction: hangul construciton co.
completion: 2010. 4
photographer: hyochel hwang

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY